In early 2007, San Francisco proposed law amendment No. 120-06, reiterating that toys, child care and child feeding products are prohibited from containing phthalates (Phthalates); on October 14, 2007, the California Governor passed AB 1108. . Starting from January 1, 2009, this bill will restrict the manufacture and sale of certain toys and child care products to not exceed the limits of six phthalate compounds. Phthalates are chemicals used to increase the plasticity of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) plastic products and to add fragrance to cosmetics. They can be used in many products used by children, such as teethers, toys, and soft plastic books. In California, four compounds, including DEHP, DBP, BBP, and DIDP, are chemicals known to cause cancer or produce toxicity. Toy means "all products designed or intended by the manufacturer to be used by children for fun." Child care articles are "any products that help children sleep, relax, maintain hygiene, feed children, or allow children to suck, including pacifiers of various shapes and types." The six phthalate items restricted by the California AB 1108 bill are exactly the same as those stipulated in the EU Directive 2005/84/EC. The comparison is shown in the following table: Phthalates California AB 1108 Bill EU Directive 2005/84/ EC Restricted Product Limits Restricted Product Limits D