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The latest on U.S. state regulation of e-waste

Since this year, many states in the United States have greatly strengthened their supervision of electronic waste. Among them, Connecticut, Minnesota, North Carolina, Oregon and Texas have all passed similar electronic waste management regulations. Previously, eight states including Arkansas, California, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island and Washington State had implemented relevant regulations. In the medium term, more states will legislate to regulate e-waste. As more and more states formulate their own e-waste laws, the United States needs to formulate federal laws in this regard, or implement uniform national standards through various relevant parties. A brief summary of the electronic waste laws passed by many states in the United States is as follows: Minnesota (MINNESOTA) Starting from September 1, 2007, all new video display equipment must bear a clear and permanent manufacturer's trademark, and the manufacturer must also Participate in the annual registration program run by state government authorities, otherwise the equipment may not be sold to retailers. Starting September 1, 2008, manufacturers must submit annual reports to state authorities showing the retail sales of video equipment containing hazardous substances that exceed EU standards. Video display equipment refers to televisions and computer monitors sold to households, including laptop computers, with screens exceeding 9 inches diagonally. Connecticut (CONNECTICUT) Starting from January 1, 2008, all regulated electronic equipment must bear a clear and permanent manufacturer's trademark, and manufacturers must also participate in the annual registration program implemented by state government authorities.

EU Energy Using Products (EuP) Directive

The EU Energy Using Products (EuP) Directive was officially announced in 2005, and the formulation of related supporting tools and standards has been gradually launched. The EU improves the energy efficiency and environmental performance of products by standardizing the ecological design requirements for energy-using products. EuP generally refers to all products that use energy to perform operations. Energy includes electricity, solid, liquid and gaseous energy (but vehicles are not limited to this). At this stage, the EU has designated 19 (14 + 5) categories of products for priority control based on the importance and influence of the products, including: personal computers/screens, consumer electronics (such as TVs), batteries/power supplies, etc., and Conduct preliminary research. In the future, products must comply with the ecological design requirements of the applicable implementation methods and must obtain the CE mark before they can circulate freely in the EU market.

EU strategy to control dioxin a major achievement

According to the new progress report of the European Commission, the EU officially adopted a specification for persistent organic pollutants (POPs) in 2004, which can be regarded as a major achievement, especially after a long period of controversy; its specification is mainly: Reduce the content of harmful substances such as Dioxins, Furans and PCBs. Each country must publish a product catalog and improvement plan, which are the basic tools for the 2004 POPs specification (EED 07/06/04) to require minimum releases of dioxin, furans and polychlorinated biphenyls. Some Member States have already adopted this improvement plan, while others are still in the process of preparation. At the beginning of this year, the Commission adopted an EU-level improvement plan (EED 27/03/07) to implement POPs regulations. It emphasizes the need to properly enforce existing laws to suppress substances such as dioxin, furans and polychlorinated biphenyls, such as the well-established Pollution Prevention and Control Act (IPPC) and the Waste Structures Directive. POPs are also considered the best technical reference documents for review under the IPPC directive, and two new POPs obsolete specifications (EED 27/02/07 and EED 12/07/06) were also adopted last year. The progress report also celebrates a new industrial emissions data register with lower reporting thresholds for substances such as dioxin, furans and polychlorinated biphenyls (EED 06/02/06). But it also mentioned that in Europe

Norway has submitted PoHS (Prohibition on Certain Hazardous Substances in consumer Products) control requirements to the WTO

In June 2007, the Norwegian Pollution Control Authority proposed to the World Trade Organization (WTO) that during the production, import, export, and sale of consumer products, the content of harmful substances in each uniform material must not exceed the legal limit. The main purpose of this law is to limit the harm of consumer products to the human body and the environment, as well as the content of harmful substances in waste. Norway's PoHS has more and broader items restricting hazardous substances than the EU RoHS. Almost all consumer products are within its scope of control, with only a few excluded, such as: food, food packaging, fertilizers, medical equipment and cigarettes, as well as transportation Tools, transport fixtures, tires and similar transport accessories. The 18 hazardous substances and limits controlled by PoHS are as follows: Substance name limit (wt%) Substance name limit (wt%) Hexabromocyclododecane (HBCDD) 0.1 Musk xyleneMusk ketone 0.05 Tetrabromobisphenol A (TBBPA) 1 Perfluorooctyl acid (PFOA) and individuals alts and esters of PFOA 0.005 * Medium-chainedChlorinated paraffins,C14-C17 (MCCP) 0.1 DTDMA

Chemical label revision bill submitted for review

On June 27, 2007, the European Commission adopted a bill on regulations on the classification, labeling and packaging of substances and mixtures, aiming to align the EU system with the United Nations Global Harmonized System. If the bill is passed, the current individual labeling requirements for products imported into the EU will be lifted, which should benefit Hong Kong and mainland Chinese manufacturers. In addition, the Ordinance Bill is also complementary to the new Registration, Evaluation and Authorization of Chemicals Regulations ("REACH"). The current EU chemical classification and labeling system is set out in the following three important directives, which provide a high degree of protection in terms of health, safety, environment and consumers: • Hazardous Substances Directive (67/548/EEC); • Hazardous Preparations Directive ( 1999/45/EC); • Safety Data Sheet Directive (91/155/EEC – from 1 June 2007, this directive has been replaced by the REACH regulation). The first two directives above set out the requirements for classification, packaging and labeling of hazardous substances and preparations, while the third directive ensures that suppliers of substances and preparations provide professional customers with information on the hazards and safe use of chemicals. The goals of the regulations include: 1) unifying the classification, labeling and packaging rules for substances and mixtures; 2) requiring companies to classify the substances and mixtures they manufacture on their own and notify relevant authorities; 3) developing a unified list of substances; 4) A label catalog is provided. The following is an example of labeling changes for extremely flammable chemicals: For most chemicals, the proposed regime would be similar to the current regime

Perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS) sales and use restrictions

Regulation: 2006/122/EC Focus: Strict restrictions are placed on the market and use of PFOS and related substances, but small amounts are allowed to be used when they do not create unacceptable risks. Limit values: • 0.005% (50ppm) in preparations; • 0.1% (1000ppm) in semi-finished products; • 1μg/m2 in textiles or coatings. Exclusions: • Photoresists or anti-reflective coatings for photolithography processes • Industrial photography coatings (photographic coatings applied to films, papers, or printing plates) • Mist suppressants for non-decorative hard chromium (VI) plating and wetting agents for use in controlled electroplating systems) • Hydraulic fluids for aviation Hazard: prone to accumulation in living fat organs

The UK will implement WEEE from July 1st

The UK finally began to implement the WEEE regulations on July 1, 2007, to reduce the impact of waste electronic products on the environment through reuse and recycling, instead of discarding them in already overcrowded landfills. Technically speaking, end users are now not allowed to throw waste electronic products directly into the trash can; if they do not reuse and recycle Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) properly, they will theoretically have You may face the consequences of being discovered and punished by the Environmental Agency. Once notified of the need for disposal, product suppliers are responsible for the collection and recycling of WEEE. For small companies, the cost of registering directly with the government is very high, and the time spent on paperwork and the effort required are also a lot. Currently, more than 37 companies have been established to help reduce these costs. The WEEE Directive was recognized together with the RoHS Directive in February 2003, with the common goal of reducing the amount of waste in the environment. With the existence of consumer product specifications, there has been confusion about how some commercial goods should be managed. So the trade association (including the UK's Laboratory Technology Industry Trade) led the establishment of a non-profit organization called b2bcompliance. According to David Burton (b2bcompliance's planning director), this organization has been established to protect the interests of their members and provide a complete customer service from registration to processing, and provide certification of legal compliance. Although registered

91/338/EEC Cadmium Directive - Completely Prohibited Certain Equipment

歐盟指令 91/338/EEC 要求成品或零件中之塑膠材料、液態塗料 (不論是水性或油性塗料) 及聚合物安定劑中鎘之含量不得超過 0.01%(100ppm) ;而特定設備的電鍍鎘則禁止使用。另外,指令亦指出,若塗料含有高含量的鋅,則鎘含量不得超過 0. 1%(1000ppm) 。 完全禁用電鍍鎘之特定設備: 機器及設備 • 食品生產機器(Food production) • 農業用設備(Agriculture) • 冷凍處理機(Cooling and freezing) • 印刷及書本裝訂設備(Printing and book-binding) 生產下列產品之機器設備 • 家用產品(Household goods) • 傢俱(Furniture) • 衛生設備(Sanitary ware) • 中央熱處理及空調設備(Central heating and air conditioning plant) • 紙張及木板(Paper and board) • 紡織品及服飾(Textiles and clothing) • 工業用

球暖化卅為地球撐一把傘 推動全民植樹造林

全球暖化議題最近受到廣泛討論,更有學者指出,台灣暖化速度是全球的兩倍,民間企業發起「為地球撐一把傘」活動,植樹造林是目前對抗暖化現象最有力的辦法。 今年天氣暖化,梅雨不來,各種蔬菜生長格外快速,價格一路下滑,因為急速暖化,在海水過熱的情況下,大堡礁目前所面臨的是珊瑚礁大量白化的危機,地球暖化沒有停止,學者預言,台灣生態惡化的趨勢恐怕加深。 全球暖化議題持續發酵,台灣所面臨的挑戰也無法避免,地球環境正一點一滴的在改變,不能視若無睹。 屏科大農學院長陳朝圳表示:「包括生活上的問題,包括生產的問題,包括水資源的問題,農業問題,甚至於健康問題,都會面臨危機。」 根據統計資料發現,最近100年地球的二氧化碳濃度,和氣溫都急遽升高,這就是暖化的證據。專家建議,植樹造林是減緩溫室效應,成本最低,也是最簡單的方式。 陳朝圳表示:「我們在大地上種樹,等於是在空氣中的二氧化碳抓下來,抓在這個樹幹上,這樣的話無形當中,這棵樹就像是綠色工廠一樣。」 政府和民間企業積極推廣林地復育和全民造林運動,跨出第一步,為地球撐一把傘,就從現在開始。 (轉載自奇摩新聞)


各國政府未來十年若繼續無視於全球暖化帶來的衝擊,全體人類將為此付出慘痛的代價。前世界銀行首席經濟學家史登三十日即將發表的研究報告指出,代價高達六點九八兆美元。 史登的報告厚達七百多頁,開了由重要經濟學家分析全球暖化之先河。英國觀察家週刊搶先刊出報告摘錄,指出未來全球恐怕將因為水旱災頻仍,兩億多人流離失所。全球景氣也將受拖累,一蹶不振。 週刊也引述英國當局說法:「就像全球暖化前兩年在科學界掀起的狂潮,這議題也將在經濟學界引起廣泛討論。」 報告指出,人類為全球暖化付出的代價將超過一二次世界大戰或一九三零年代的經濟大恐慌。即使各國政府立即停止污染地球,過去所累積的二氧化碳排放量仍將使暖化效應持續三十年之久,接下來一百年海平面仍將不斷升高。 全球暖化問題迫在眉梢,史登因此建議,明年各國就應簽署京都議定書之後的新協定,而非按照預定計畫到二零一零才協商。史登籲請世界各國建立國際標準,不只要讓溫度不再扶搖直上,也要減少大氣層的碳含量。國際社會必須採取堅決行動才能否解決問題。 (轉載自奇摩新聞)

推動廢料回收 創造暖化商機大餅

全球暖化也帶來商機,除了LED,太陽能,和其他替代能源之外,有效率的回收廢棄物,也是商機無窮。以紙來說,台灣人每天光是看報紙,一年就要消耗30萬噸以上的紙,全球大約每年有四十億顆的樹,死於造紙,嚴重影響環境生態。如果我們好好的利用廢紙,回收再生不但環保,還有很大的商機,國內就有業者因為推動廢料回收,取得綠色認證,接獲國內外大廠訂單,成功進軍全球市場。 結能,省水,隨手在做。而除了廢紙之外,還有廢建材回收,綠色建材風吹來一股商機。玻璃纖維,回收,再生紙漿,回收,建材邊料,回收,就連製程中產生的水蒸氣,也仔細回收,雖然回收再利用,成本更高,但卻因堅持環保,產品更健康,效能更高。 綠色風潮帶來國內外不少商機,不過要成為綠色成員,難免就得付出代價,但對儘早投入的廠商來說,絕對是短空長多。 (轉載自奇摩新聞)

全球暖化卅南極海吸收CO2能力減少38% 大氣調節失衡

海洋面積占地球表面的70%,是調節大氣中二氧化碳含量的最佳溶劑,不過,由於氣候 暖化嚴重,使得海洋逐漸失去調節的功能。英國科學家最近發現,在連南極海域自然代謝二氧化碳的功能大大降低,地球危機儼然形成。 南極海裡含有的浮游植物可以在光合作用時吸收二氧化碳,同時將溶在水中過量的氧氣釋放到空氣中。但是科學家發現,南極海域吸收大氣中二氧化碳的能力,在過去25年以來減少了38%,而全球大氣中的二氧化碳卻增加了43%,從這兩個數據比對來看,不但二氧化碳沒有減少,南極海域每年更以兩億噸的速度增加二氧化碳的數量。 這其中原因是,臭氧層裡的二氧化碳濃度上升,使得大氣壓力改變,造成風速增加,導致深海含二氧化碳的海水上升到海面。 英國科學家馬克莫斯林說,「它是個完整的系統,海洋裡能進行光和作用釋出物質(氧氣)的生物降到海底,但同時間,風速改變了,讓二氧化碳從海面釋放到空氣中。」 氣候暖化間接影響環流的改變,讓海洋調節大氣二氧化碳的能力減弱,科學家警告,目前大氣中的二氧化碳濃度已失控,也引起海洋生態的失衡,因此減少二氧化碳排放將成為全人類的當務之急。

EU environmental policy is far ahead of the US

When it comes to environmental policy, there is no doubt that the EU has achieved much more than the United States, but of course, EU member states are not required to deal with governance and currently only grudgingly acknowledge the possibility of global warming, recycling needs or other countries level of environmental policy. The Environmental Policy Review (EPR) implemented by the EU every year not only highlights the main developments in environmental policies of member states in the past year, but also provides methods to monitor the goals of each environmental policy, including the recent 2007 Research, environmental trends and major controversies. In 2006, the EU took a big step in dealing with climate change through the EU Emissions Trading Scheme, and also updated the EU Sustainable Development Strategy; since December 2006 With the new REACH act adopted, it is estimated that 30,000 chemical substances need to be registered. The EU hopes to gradually eliminate these dangerous chemicals and replace them with safer ones in the future. In addition, the EU's European Energy Strategy is expected to reduce energy consumption in 20% in 2020. The Commission also proposed a new energy policy in advance in 2007 that combines energy and climate change issues to enable various countries to Member states can achieve this by 2020

RoHS & WEEE Enterprise Questionnaire Survey

The IPC-Association Connecting Electronics Industries, commissioned by DG Enterprises and Industry of the European Commission, is conducting research on the impact of RoHS and WEEE laws on corporate investment. This research survey will be led by ECOLAS (Environment Consultancy and Assistance) and RPA (Risk & Policy Analysts). The research team has developed two different questionnaires to facilitate the analysis of the survey. IPC stated that the research and investigation part on RoHS will try to quantify the survey results, so it will start from the cost-benefit analysis of the economic and environmental impact of the RoHS directive; the focus of the RoHS questionnaire survey will be on the cost-benefit of compliance, RoHS Taobao's technical costs and social impact on enterprises. As for the WEEE research survey, it evaluates the industrial innovation and competitiveness caused by the WEEE directive, and further specifies the key impact factors and requirements one by one; the WEEE questionnaire focuses on five topics, which are company details. Information, total cost spent by the company on WEEE, related research and development costs, producers


根據科學雜誌所刊載的一份研究結果,目前地球暖化程度,較一千兩百年來任何時期為烈。 英國東英格蘭大學奧斯本和布利孚兩位教授,在北半球十四個點,利用樹輪、貝殼化石和冰核,分析從公元九世紀以來的地球溫度變化。在其他地球暖化証據輔佐下,研究發現,二十世紀的地球溫暖化現象特別突出。現在的地球暖化現象起始於二十世紀末期,範圍更廣且溫度異常現象比九世紀來的任何時期都要長。為了了解溫度大範圍上升的現象是否是一種自然天氣型態,科學家比較了北半球廣大的暖化溫度,和過去一千兩百年來的冷、暖氣候間距的差異。 這項研究同時還引用了中世紀時代的天氣日誌,及對特殊天氣狀況,例如比利時海峽和荷蘭幾世紀嚴寒的見証紀錄。 研究者觀察到長在斯堪地那維亞半島、西伯利亞和北美的長青樹樹輪,天氣愈暖時年輪的間距愈大。 格陵蘭冰柱中所含的化學物質,也說明了那幾年的溫度比較高。 (摘自  奇摩新聞)

全球暖化卅非洲首當其衝 紅海珊瑚礁恐消失

全球暖化問題持續發燒,科學家表示,先進國家製造的暖化問題,將對非洲大陸造成難以彌補的重大傷害,或許再過不久,紅海海底下的美麗珊瑚礁,將永不復見。 位於非洲大陸和亞洲大陸交界的紅海,海底下這一大片色彩鮮豔的珊瑚礁巧奪天工,讓人讚嘆不已,然而科學家警告,再過不久,這片珊瑚礁美景可能將永不復見,原因就是日益嚴重的全球暖化。 世界自然基金會全球暖化研究員漢斯維洛姆:「海水變得越來越熱,這讓珊瑚礁持續溫度升高,最後會導致珊瑚礁死亡,不只有珊瑚礁會受到影響,魚群也是。」 事實上,大自然正對先進國家所製造的暖化問題一點一滴地進行反撲,其中首當其衝的莫過於無辜的非洲大陸,大地乾枯、乾旱嚴重,高山冰雪的消失再加上疾病肆虐,這個全世界最貧窮的地區,正陷入難以挽回的困境。 世界資源組織強納森普辛:「你可以看到顯著增加的環境衝擊,不幸的是,住在非洲的人們將會受害最深!」日益嚴重的全球暖化問題絕對不容你我忽視,每個人都必須共同努力,才能讓下一代也能和我們一樣,親眼目睹紅海的美麗珊瑚礁。 (摘自 ETTODAY)

二氧化碳減量 德國新生活運動

樂於守法的德國人向來是舉世聞名的環保模範生,溫室效應造成地球暖化以後,現在更成為國家大事,政府領頭向前衝,全國上下總動員積極響應配合,努力設法抑制二氧化碳排放量。 一切只為環保 現在德國人做什麼事情之前都要問,環不環保?買了良心安不安?有關單位公布二氧化碳排放排行榜,呼籲盡量不要搭飛機度假,鼓勵民眾坐火車,果然成效明顯,到旅行社或上網訂遠程旅遊的顧客減少,無意間政府幫赤字連年的國鐵(DB)促銷,過去車廂看過去空蕩蕩,現在搭火車出門買票時,最好多花三歐元先訂位,以免到時候一位難求,如此一來,反害苦航空公司,不敢再提漲價的事,繼續賠本實施廉價機票政策。 政府獎勵人民合作,提供各種減稅和補助方案,無怪乎住戶屋頂上的太陽能聚光板大幅增加,高空望過去,形成一種特殊景觀。此外,還不吝撥出大筆經費長期支持研發機構,環保的巨額商機也讓新產品紛紛打著環保旗號,以投消費者所好。 產品與科技標榜永續發展的前景,不但自用還可以外銷,各國都想借用德國這方面經驗和科技,難怪德國是目前全世界太陽能、風力發電及其他替代能源等技術和成品輸出最多國家。據報導,德國將於明年在韓國首爾建造全球最大的太陽能發電廠。 鼓勵之餘,

South Korea RoHS will be officially implemented on January 1, 2008

South Korea's RoHS will be officially implemented on January 1, 2008. On April 2, 2007, the South Korean National Assembly officially passed the "Resource Recycling Act for Electronic and Electrical Equipment and Vehicles" (The Act for Resource Recycling of Electrical/Electronic Products and Automobiles). The regulatory requirements are like a series of EU specifications, including the RoHS, WEEE and ELV directives. This law is expected to be officially implemented on January 1, 2008. Although South Korea’s RoHS is a resource recycling regulation for electronic and electrical equipment and automobiles, and includes elements of EU directives, it is also unique, according to Michael Kirschner of Design Chain Associates, an industrial design chain consultancy. Just like EU RoHS and China RoHS, South Korea RoHS has not yet specified the details of the regulations. Therefore, the preliminary classification of electronic and electrical equipment and vehicles will first be based on South Korea's "Act on the Promotion of Conservation and Resource Recycling". Saving and Recycling of Resources), as for the types of hazardous substances, concentration limits and environmental requirements design, etc., they will be further formulated and announced by the Korean Environmental Protection Agency. Specific project descriptions will be announced in the next phase.

EU seeks comments on RoHS directive

歐盟徵詢RoHS指令相關評論 為了即將在2008年的RoHS法規修訂作準備,歐盟委員會目前正展開RoHS指令的相關評論徵詢。委員會將重新審查RoHS指令的各項衡量,並納入各項科學證據做為考量;根據歐盟官方公佈,此RoHS指令的相關評論徵詢將至2007年5月22日截止。 在公告中,歐盟委員會提出了在RoHS指令第六條中所需重新審查的指令衡量(Directive’s measures)部份,並將各項必要性的科學資訊作為修訂的輔助證據,特別是針對了醫療設備及監視控管設備二項電子電器設備。 歐盟委員會徵求各項研究及評估,以進行分析RoHS指令在執行中所產生的成本或利益,以及其他應被考慮的議題。(歐盟委員會並不希望收到意見書) 此項審查將針對電子電器設備中其他有害物質及原物料進行下列研究:歐盟徵詢RoHS指令相關評論 為了即將在2008年的RoHS法規修訂作準備,歐盟委員會目前正展開RoHS指令的相關評論徵詢。委員會將重新審查RoHS指令的各項衡量,並納入各項科學證據做為考量;根據歐盟官方公佈,此RoHS指令的相關評論徵詢將至2007年5月22日截止。 在公告中,歐盟委員會提出了在RoHS指令第

Seminar on trends and responses to emerging EU environmental directives

Since the EU promulgated the RoHS Directive (2002/95/EC) and the WEEE Directive (2002/96/EC), manufacturers have actively responded to the recent environmental directives to comply with regulations and customer requirements, and they are still immersed in responding to them today. Similar laws exist in many countries. However, at this time, a comprehensive directive on product environmental design requirements - the EuP Directive (2005/32/EC) has been quietly issued and requires EU member states to formulate domestic laws in accordance with this directive before August 11, 2007. It is conceivable that the EuP directive will follow the RoHS directive and become the next wave of challenges we must face. As the research reports on the first 14 products of this directive are undergoing final discussions, we should take the initiative to think about the help and impact of these research reports on us and closely observe the EU's attitude towards requirements for products other than these 14 items. This article The seminar will provide the latest status of this directive, as well as instructions for using tools and industry implementation cases, so that participants can prepare and respond in advance, so as to gain leadership in the next wave of environmental directives when all eyes are on RoHS. Take the initiative.

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