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How the European industry views RoHS regulations

How does the European industry view the RoHS regulations? It has been nine months since the EU's six Restrictions of Hazardous Substances directive came into effect on July 1, 2006. However, what is the current development progress of EU RoHS? What are those? Companies encounter trouble in implementation and how to deal with it? In response to the above issues, the European Commission has adopted a reserved attitude towards the implementation status in the past few months. A spokesman for the Commission said, "Broadly speaking, because there are many corporate stakeholders from different fields and regions, many people hope that the implementation of the RoHS Directive will be smoother and easier to comply with; but they will eventually understand the importance of changing the requirements And try to cooperate, a new law will be widely accepted and recognized. "An important signal also shows that many of our major trading partners are already adopting regulations like RoHS, so regardless of How, in the upcoming inspection, we will provide more insight into the perspective of corporate stakeholders and eliminate any unnecessary administrative burden or related costs. "However, it is worth discussing that European companies are in the process of implementing RoHS. What is shown is not the comfort that the European Commission thought. Markus Terho, Manager of Environmental Affairs at Nokia, said, "Supporting the European Commission's changes to laws and regulations is a heavy responsibility and exceeds your expectations. The achievements of technological innovation continue to move forward, but regulations require

RoHS audit proves the company’s efforts

RoHS audit proves the enterprise's efforts. RoHS audit can effectively reduce or eliminate the production of non-RoHS compliant products by various manufacturers. This means that integrating RoHS regulatory requirements into the inspection procedures of the quality system and implementing RoHS-related training courses is critical. Prioritize consideration. By now, we should be familiar with the EU RoHS Directive "Six Restricted Hazardous Substances Directive". Companies engaged in selling products to EU countries are expected to follow all reasonable steps to comply with regulatory requirements and implement due efforts to ensure Regarding product RoHS compliance, the reasonable steps are very clear and easy to understand, but what is the required level of effort? According to the British National Weights & Measures Laboratory, it is very simple for companies to implement the required level of effort. Adopting appropriate audit systems and procedures is the best way to effectively prove product RoHS compliance. Has your organization developed an ISO-certified quality management system? The question is, ISO certification is not implemented for the specific requirements of EU RoHS. If your system can meet the requirements of the RoHS directive, can this system be continuously used? And how do you prove it? Having a quality management system in place but not being able to get employees to follow it is no good for the business and is just as bad as not having one at all. In order to ensure the operation of the system, periodic monitoring is necessary. In order to improve the efficiency of system operation, enterprises must

遏阻地球暖化 人人有責

地球暖化目前已經成為全球關切的重大議題。聯合國跨政府的氣候變遷小組日前提出第二階段全球氣候變遷報告,對全球暖化提出了更為嚴峻的警告。 最近幾年來,全球各地陸續出現氣溫異常現象,歐美地區去年夏天的熱浪,造成將近200人熱死;南美的亞馬遜河流域,更接連2年出現嚴重乾旱。這些氣候異常的現象,都和地球暖化脫不了關係。遏阻地球持續暖化,除了期待國際簽署的京都議定書能夠發揮效用之外,每一個地球公民,也都應該盡到保護地球的責任。 ◎地球暖化招來災難性影響 儘管地球越來越暖了,但是對一般人而言,似乎感受不到這樣的事實,氣象專家、天氣風險管理開發公司總經理彭啟明指出,這是因為地球升溫非常緩慢,低於平均每天的溫差,因此,一般人不容易感覺得到。彭啟明說:『事實上,地球的溫度的確是在逐漸升高;不過,100年來不過升高攝氏1到2度,我們說地球溫度升高是平均溫度升高,但是,我們一般每天的溫度上下變化,大約是10度,所以多數人是感覺不到的。但是,溫度上升會造成極端值的增加,也就是夏天越來越熱,冬天越來越冷,極端值增加,這種影響會比較大。』 極端值加大,會造成夏天越來越熱、冬天越來越冷的現象。不但夏天越來越熱,夏天的

廿世紀 台灣暖化超速 快全球兩倍

聯合國日前對暖化效應對全球可能造成的衝擊發出警訊,國內學者研究分析,台灣在廿世紀的百年氣候暖化速率約為全球平均值的二倍,導致日夜溫差變小、全年日照時數縮短,降雨強度增強等異象,未來可能面臨的衝擊比多數國家更嚴峻。開發太過度造成熱島效應 全球平均氣溫在廿世紀上升○.六度,台大大氣科學系教授許晃雄指出,台灣平均氣溫從一九○一年到二○○○年上升達一.一度,暖化速率是全球的二倍;暖化現象不僅在都會區發生,玉山和東吉島等也明顯暖化。 他表示,暖化速率遠超過全球不只是台灣的問題,亞洲地區(除中國西南部以外)上升幅度幾乎是全球最高。國內氣象學者多認為,這與都市開發過度密集造成熱島效應,對全球暖化產生加乘作用有關。增溫趨勢夏季比冬季明顯 許晃雄分析,台灣增溫趨勢夏季比冬季明顯,台北、台中、台南和花蓮等六個主要氣象站,廿世紀夏季平均氣溫百年上升一.三七度,比冬季高○.五度,春、秋季上升幅度也與夏季相當,與高緯度地區冬季增溫幅度大於夏季的現象相反。 此外,台灣地區夜間增溫比白天明顯,導致日夜溫差縮小;一九八○年代後期發生高溫的機率增加,低溫發生機率下降;熱浪強度變強,都會區比鄉村明顯;一九七○年代以後,寒


路透倫敦電—一項研究報告週五指出,孩童將與日俱增地承受全球暖化衝擊。而另一項研究則指出,無論再怎麼努力抑制碳氣排放,未來幾十年的氣候將繼續升溫。 至於第三項報告,也就是由跨政府氣候變遷專家小組(IPCC)科學家在分析氣候改變本世紀將對地球造成什麼影響後所獲得的結論說,企業已經感受到它的影響。 拯救兒童(Save the Children)慈善團體表示,未來10年每年有多達1.75億兒童將受到諸如乾旱、洪水及暴風雨等,與氣候相關的災害影響。 它指出,這比到2005年的10年間,一年多出500萬人。由於兒童是社會中的弱勢,將受到不成比例的傷害。還有數以百萬計兒童會喪生、被迫離鄉背井,或者受饑荒與疾病侵襲。 英國拯救兒童會長惠特布雷德(Jasmine Whitbread)指出,「孩童已承受氣候變化的衝擊,每年還會有數以百萬計兒童身陷與氣候相關的天災中。」 科學家預估,本世紀全球平均溫度將升高攝氏1.8到4.0度,而這主要是由於發電及運輸燃燒化石燃料所致。 (摘自 路透 網路新聞)


全球暖化的問題越來越嚴重,英國科學家利用聲納探測北極圈附近的冰層意外發現極冰融解速度遠比一般預期還要快的多,專家警告,或許再過13年,人們將再也看不到美麗的極冰。 北極冰洋上漂浮的極冰,向來吸引不少來自全球各地的觀光客前來一睹風采。不過根據最新一項研究顯示,由於全球暖化日亦嚴重,極冰融解的速度比預期還要快速,或許再過不久,人們將再也看不到美麗的極冰。 海洋地理學家彼得華德漢:「我認為極冰的消失,是災難劇變的開端。」 英國科學家派遣英國潛水艇,利用聲納探測北極圈到阿拉斯加附近,推翻了以往認為極冰將在2040年消失的預測,並將時間縮短到13年內,預言百分之50的極冰,很可能於2020年消失殆盡。 海洋地理學家彼得華德漢:「現在我們從外太空都可以看到一大片的極冰,不過很快的,我們將再也看不到了。」 科學家擔心,一旦極冰融解,屆時受到影響的不只有北極熊或是北極海豹而已,還恐將引發一連串,難以預料的氣候變化。 (摘自 ETtoday 新聞電子報)


綠點標誌計劃所帶來的成效 一、 顯示包裝廢棄物從過去長期增加趨勢,在包裝法通過以後,呈現下降的情況,情況普遍獲得改善。 二、 資源回收所產生的效應,遠超過各國政府原先所設定的目標,也使得不少跨國企業已重新思考其產品的設計。當回收只是納稅人的責任時,業者通常並不把它當一回事。因此,實施次計劃後,規劃讓業者對其產品付出回收成本,有強烈的誘因去設計材質,使其具備再循環的能力。 三、 將產品消費後的回收階段,交由業者去執行,這給廢棄物減量一種競爭利益,去開創經濟上可行,且可回收的產品,並對綠色產品及更有效率的資源利用,提供重要的經濟誘因。      進入21新世紀,我們必須更有效率地使用資源,就是將對環境的效應融入產品的價格,以求取資源的永續利用。有感於德國人對環保與資源回收工作的執著與投注,垃圾大戰在台灣可說已到達怵目驚心的地步雖然環境保育的觀念並非一朝一夕可改變,但卻是台灣目前所面臨的一大考驗,只要台灣人能心存疼惜土地之情,珍惜各類資源並減少甚至拒絕使用塑膠製品,從根本消除垃圾過多而四處濫倒的情形,才可能確保台灣環境的永

European Union Standards Organization CEN-EN13428

European Standards Organization’s Basic Requirements for Packaging Waste Standard Currently, EU countries are in a wait-and-see attitude towards the implementation of the basic requirements for packaging waste. The various standards formulated by the European standards organization CEN for use in the EU Packaging Directive include a total of six standards numbered EN13427:2000~EN13432. Among them, EN 13427 is the standard that explains the correlation between the five standards EN13428-13432 (similar to ISO14000). EN 13428 is the prevention standard for product reduction in packaging. EN 13429 is the standard for reusable packaging. EN 13430 is the recycling of packaging materials. Standard EN 13431 is the standard for energy recovery of packaging materials, and EN 13432 is the standard for organic recycling of packaging materials. Among these standards, EN 13428 is directly related to the source reduction of packaging waste. Introduction to the EN 13428 standard This standard uses a manufacturer's self-assessment method similar to the ISO 9000 and ISO 14000 series standards to prove whether the packaging system used uses minimal materials, is recyclable and meets toxic substance content regulations. The standard content of EN 13428:2000 includes two parts: prevention through source reduction and qualitative prevention. Prevention by reducing production sources

Who produces the packaging and who is responsible for recycling it?

Germany's first "Green Dot System" Whoever produces the packaging is responsible for recycling In Germany, starting last year, the government will impose a mandatory deposit on anyone who purchases mineral water, beer and soft drinks packaged in non-renewable materials. Customers can only get their deposit back after finishing their drinks and returning the empty packaging to the store where they originally purchased it. This regulation makes this type of goods less and less marketable, forcing business owners who produce such goods to find ways to become members of the packaging recycling organization DSD as soon as possible. In 1991, Germany promulgated the "Packaging Law", which for the first time used legal form to restrict the production and operation of commodity packaging. The core principle of the regulation is: whoever produces the packaging should recycle the packaging. The logo of the "Green Dot System" is a circular yellow-green pattern composed of green arrows and yellow arrows. The text above is composed of the German "DERGRUENEPUNKT", which means "Green Dot". The double-colored arrow with a green dot indicates that the product packaging is green, can be recycled, and meets the requirements of ecological balance and environmental protection. According to regulations, DSD enterprise members obtain the right to use the "Green Dot" packaging recycling mark after paying a certain usage fee to the DSD organization. The DSD organization uses the fees paid by members to collect packaging waste and clean, sort and recycle it. Enterprises that do not join the organization must recycle and process packaging materials on their own in accordance with the "Recycling Economy Law and Waste Law" promulgated in 1996. In Germany, you have to pay to take out household garbage. However, since the packaging materials have been paid for by DSD corporate members, not only are they not

Get to know the German Two-Way System (DSD)

On June 12, 1990, the German government promulgated the first packaging waste disposal regulations - the "Packaging - Packaging Waste Disposal Ordinance", which aims to reduce the generation of packaging waste. It is stipulated that unavoidable disposable packaging waste must be reused or recycled. The regulations also mandate that each manufacturing company is not only responsible for the product, but also responsible for the recycling of its packaging, and instructs companies engaged in transportation, agency, sales, packaging companies and wholesalers to recycle their used packaging. They can also Choose to entrust recycling responsibilities to a recycling company that specializes in recycling. Under the influence of Germany's legislation on mandatory recycling of packaging waste, the European Union also adopted the "EU Packaging Guidelines" on December 20, 1994. The "Guidelines", like German regulations, prioritize recycling. The order of packaging waste treatment is: reduction, recycling, material recycling (degradable materials must be used for those that cannot be reused), incineration and energy reuse, landfill and composting; the "Packaging Guidelines" require all member states to Measures must be taken to establish a recycling system for used packaging with recycling marks. Packaging manufacturers must recycle used packaging. Those who entrust a third party to recycle must pay an environmental recycling mark usage fee; the "Guidelines" require member states to recycle packaging. The recycling rate index of waste is lower than the requirements of German regulations. In 2001, the recycling rate reached 50%, and the recycling rate of each packaging material waste must reach at least 15%. The first country to adopt the "Green Dot" recycling symbol

Current status of EU packaging waste management law

Where does the green dot mark need to be used when selling products? Can PVC be shipped to Germany? Why do I need to pay "packaging tax"? What does the new EU directive say? How can I get an environmentally friendly packaging? Issues such as how to apply for environmentally friendly packaging labels are questions that extend to Europe's management of 50 million tons of packaging waste every year. Currently, most member states of the European Union are establishing waste management laws in order to comply with the goals of the EU "Packaging and Packaging Waste Law". Products imported from Asian countries to Europe will inevitably be affected by Europe's numerous new packaging laws. The EU "Packaging and Packaging Waste Directive" was enforced in December 1994. The initial goal is to unify the existing packaging waste management laws of some member states and encourage countries to introduce their own packaging waste management laws to other countries. Basically, the law only sets a unified waste management target for each EU member state, and must achieve the target by 2001. The European Union stipulates that each packaging material (by weight) must reach a recycling rate of at least 15%, and 50% to 65% of this recycling rate must be reprocessed, and 25% to 45% must be recycled. The governments of 15 European member states have implemented national laws on June 30, 1996, and are gradually moving towards the goal. Some member states are nearing the deadline for their plans, while others are still working on it. To ensure the smooth functioning of the EU single market

Pallet specifications by country

European specifications Heavy duty model Dimensions Static weight Dynamic weight Lightweight LBCPL1200-800 1200mm. 800mm 2 tons 0.8 tons LBCPL1200-1000 1200mm. 1000mm 2 tons 0.8 tons LBCPL1140-1140 1140mm. 1140mm 2 tons 0.8 tons medium LBCPM1200-800 1200mm. 800mm 3 tons 1.2 tons LBCPM1200-1000 1200mm. 1000mm 3 tons 1.2 tons LBCPM1140-1140 1140mm. 1140mm 3 tons 1.2 tons heavy duty LBCPH1200-800 1200mm. 800mm 4 tons 1.8 tons LBCPH1200-1000 1200mm. 1000mm 4 tons 1.8 tons LBCPH1140-1140 1140mm. 1140mm 4 tons 1.8 tons super heavy duty LBCPS1200-800 1200mm. 800mm 5 tons 2.5 tons LBCPS1200-1000 1200mm. 1000mm 5 tons 2.5 tons LBCPS1140-1140 1140mm. 1140mm 5 tons 2.5 tons European specifications heavy-duty model size static weight dynamic weight

Quarantine measures for wood packaging materials formulated by various countries

Countries such as the United States, Canada and Australia attach great importance to the import quarantine of wood packaging materials. Before the formulation of ISPM 15, there were requirements for quarantine or processing of importing countries; after the incident of Star Beetle, the United States Animal and Plant Quarantine Unit re-examined the regulations on wood packaging materials quarantine policy, adopt more stringent quarantine measures, and at the same time strengthen the inspection and monitoring of important wood pests such as various longhorned beetles and small beetles at various import ports in the United States; in addition, a special research group has been established to be responsible for risk analysis and formulation of long-lived longhorned longhorned beetles. Extermination plan. After the announcement of ISPM 15, many countries have used this guideline as a reference, and based on the actual situation of each country, have formulated more stringent quarantine measures for wood packaging materials than in the past. For example, Canada has required that since June 1, 2002 Wooden packaging materials exported to this country from various countries (except the United States) must be processed in accordance with ISPM 15 standards or in a manner approved by the Canadian quarantine agency before they can be imported. Applicable products include wooden pallets and pallets, etc. If you wish to export Before going to Canada, it must be handled under the supervision of professional quarantine personnel in any of the following ways: 1. Heat treatment: dry heat treatment until the center temperature of the packaging material reaches 56°C for more than 30 minutes; 2. Fumigation with methyl bromide; or 3. Other methods approved by the Canadian quarantine unit, and the processed wooden packaging materials can be stamped and stamped before they can be exported to Canada; and then, China also based on experts’ regulations on the wooden packaging of EU goods. Pest risk analysis results indicate that the quarantine risk of wood packaging for EU goods is very high


Wooden packaging materials made from unprocessed logs are usually of poor quality and have a high probability of carrying harmful organisms. Wooden packaging materials are often reused to carry different goods and transported to different regions, and the epidemics caused by them are also more complex. Once pests are introduced into a new area, due to the lack of effective control by natural enemies and the ability to escape the suppression of dominant species, it is easy to establish new populations, often causing more serious economic losses and ecological disasters than in their place of origin. Various examples show that wooden packaging materials and imported logs have become the main channels for the long-distance spread of harmful organisms (Qu, 1999). The invasion of long-distance beetles into the United States is the most famous case in recent years; in fact, pine wilt disease caused by pine wood nematode has been in the United States since 1983. After the discovery in Shimen Township, Taipei County, in less than 20 years, the disease has spread to almost all parts of Taiwan. Reports of the disease have been reported along the Zhongheng and Nanheng Highways. Even Kinmen and Matsu cannot escape the attack of the disease; the affected tree species have never been affected. Ryukyu pine and black pine, as well as Taiwanese two-leaf pine and slash pine, have plunged Taiwan's pine trees into unprecedented catastrophe; it is believed that pine wood threads invaded Taiwan through wooden packaging materials and beetles. The painful lessons of history are still there. Our country must abide by relevant international norms and strictly implement quarantine measures for imported and exported goods. Domestically, we can avoid the harmful organisms carried by imported goods that may cause irreparable disasters to Taiwan. Externally, we can reduce the number of export goods that are detected. It can also prevent domestic problems from turning into international problems.

The impact of ISPM 15 on Taiwan and its response strategies

In international trade, wood is widely used as packaging material. At present, it cannot be completely replaced by other packaging materials. After my country joins the WTO, under diversified free trade, it is expected that the number of wooden packaging materials used in imported and exported goods will continue to increase. In order to respond to the spread of quarantine pests as wood packaging materials spread internationally, our country should actively collect relevant information from various channels. In addition to cooperating with the ISPM 15 guidelines to formulate and implement import and export quarantine measures that comply with international standards, we should also conduct Relevant risk assessments to thoroughly understand the impact of suspected quarantine pests; for example, if the longhorn beetle is introduced into China, it may not only seriously harm the forests and economic plants in Taiwan's vast area, but also the environment and ecology of the entire country. Analyze the disasters caused by our country's biodiversity, the increase in production costs, and the social losses that may cause unemployment or work stoppages, etc. We should carefully conduct risk assessments to face them. Various problems caused by quarantine pests. APHIS (2003) has analyzed the regulatory impact of implementing ISPM15 regulations, which is valuable for our country's reference. In addition to strictly enforcing quarantine measures, we should strengthen detection and monitoring of channels through which wood pests of quarantine importance may invade, and improve relevant network systems. For species that are difficult to identify, relevant rapid diagnostic and identification methods should be developed, and frontline quarantine and quarantine personnel should be trained to identify these harmful organisms.

RoHS regulations formal specification standards

The European Union completed the adoption of the RoHS Directive in November 2002 and officially announced it on February 13, 2003. The content clearly stated that starting from July 1, 2006, electronic products including lead (Lead), cadmium ( Cadmium), mercury, hexavalent chromium, bromide flame retardants (Polybrominated biphenyls, Polybrominated diphenyl ethers) and other six substances. EU directives need to be converted into domestic regulations in each country, so each country may have different implementation methods. However, because some substances originally exist in the raw materials and enter the products during the manufacturing process, they still cannot be effectively and completely removed. Such substances can be considered natural impurities and are not intentionally added. For the convenience of control, the EU has also added a maximum allowable concentration (MCV) as the basis for manufacturers to implement: lead, mercury, hexavalent chromium, bromide flame retardants (PBB and PBDE) are 0.1%, and cadmium is 0.01%. (

Packaging Materials and Packaging Waste Directive

The European Union has recently adopted more stringent regulations on the management of packaging materials. It not only requires the establishment of a recycling system and encourages the reuse of packaging materials, but also hopes to completely prohibit the use of heavy metals in packaging materials by 2010; new regulations are about to be formulated. , the industry must not know. The European Union announced the Directive of Packaging and Packaging Waste (94/62/EC, referred to as PPWD) in 1994, which covers all packaging of any material listed in the EU for industry, commerce, service industry, and household use. The directive Member states are required to establish a collection system and encourage producers to improve the reuse, recycling and recovery of packaging. The purpose of the directive is to coordinate the management of packaging materials across EU countries and reduce the impact of packaging waste on the environment. In February 2004, in the European Union's resolution 2004/12/EC, stricter standards were formulated for the management of packaging materials and packaging waste. It is also hoped that the use of heavy metals in packaging materials will be completely prohibited by 2010. It is expected that by the end of 2004, relevant standards for packaging materials will be promulgated. 1. Introduction to the Packaging Directive The Packaging Materials and Packaging Material Waste Directive requires member states to take three steps: 1. Reduce the impact on the environment by reducing the amount and harmful substances of packaging waste; 2. By setting quantitative targets to recycle, again

SGS testing items

1. RoHS Effective from October 1, 2004, the formal regulations and standards are as follows: ◎The European Union proposed a consultation document in December 2003, setting out the recommended upper concentration limits as: ‧Lead, mercury, hexavalent chromium, and PBB contained in the same material , PBDE, the maximum concentration shall not exceed 0.1% by weight (1000ppm) ‧Cadmium contained in the same material materials, the maximum concentration shall not exceed 0.01% by weight (100 ppm) [Concentration unit conversion → 1% = 10,000ppm, 1ppm = 0.0001%] ◎The European Union has officially stipulated that the previously recommended values have taken effect since October 2004, and stipulates that different materials and different colors and the same material and different colors must be tested separately. 2. Packaging material testing. Since countries around the world are paying more and more attention to environmental and ecological issues, packaging materials are often discarded arbitrarily by consumers after use, and then enter the environmental soil. The harmful substances contained in them will directly cause environmental damage. harm. Therefore, relevant laws and regulations have been formulated to regulate compliance with environmental protection regulations. Regulations and standards: 94/62/EEC, CONEG limit: Pb+Cd+Hg+Cr+6<100ppm

wood plank smoke

According to the International Phytosanitary and Quarantine Measures Standard No. 15 (ISPM15), all wooden packaging materials (such as dunnage, pallets, crates, pallets, etc.) used to support, protect or transport items must undergo heat treatment. Or fumigation and disinfection with methyl bromide to eliminate harmful organisms in wooden packaging materials. These treatment processes should be certified with the IPPC mark on two opposite sides of the wooden packaging materials (this provision does not apply to wood chips and logs below 6mm (0.24”) Packaging, and processed wood, such as plywood, corrugated board, fiberboard, wood veneer, etc.) (a) Heat treatment (HT) Wooden packaging materials should be heated according to the specified time and temperature, and the wood core temperature must reach at least 56°C , the heating time must be at least 30 minutes (b) Methyl Bromide (MB) fumigation and sterilization (Methyl Bromide) Wooden packaging materials should be fumigated and sterilized with methyl bromide (MB). The minimum standards are as follows: Time 24 hours Dosage 48g/M356G/ M364G/M3 temperature is 21 degrees C16-20 degrees C10-15 degrees C (cost: goods: NT$1500 within 50 yuan, 20-foot container-NT$1800, 40-foot container-NT$2300) Currently, many countries have regulations for goods arriving in the following countries/ If the shipment is loaded with unqualified wooden packaging materials (unprocessed or not labeled in accordance with regulations), the shipment will be refused entry and required to be returned immediately from the port of arrival.

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