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Microsoft signs carbon removal agreement with carbon offset startup Chestnut Carbon

Microsoft said on Wednesday, December 20, that it had reached an agreement with carbon offset startup Chestnut Carbon. Microsoft will receive carbon credits from Chestnut Carbon for removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere in order to fulfill Microsoft's commitment to environmental sustainability. Ben Dell, founder of Chestnut Carbon, pointed out that compared to other projects that generate carbon credits by protecting trees, Chestnut Carbon will plant new trees on qualified land, thereby removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and creating environmental benefits. . Microsoft's partnership with Chestnut Carbon will give Microsoft 15-year carbon credits for the amount of carbon emissions Chestnut Carbon removes through reforestation in the Mississippi flood plain. Microsoft expects to receive its first carbon credits within three years, once the newly planted trees are mature enough to remove carbon dioxide. Microsoft views the carbon removal plan as a key strategy to implement its 2030 carbon negative goal. To date, Microsoft has signed contracts with external parties for more than 1.4 million tons of carbon removal projects, including reforestation projects and carbon capture projects. Microsoft did not disclose the budget for its partnership with Chestnut Carbon, but said the project would be able to reduce carbon emissions by up to 2.7 million tons. Chestnut Carbon said that cooperation with Microsoft will help them purchase new land and develop new carbon removal projects. Source: R

The U.S. Clean Competition Act and its Impact on my country

Abstract: This article collects and analyzes the promotion and practice of the Clean Competition Act (CCA) in the United States. It mainly investigates and collects information about the U.S. regulations on the Act and its impact on Taiwanese companies, and provides suggestions on how companies can respond. Secondly, this article also summarizes the comparison between the European Union (Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism, CBAM) and the US CCA to help small and medium-sized enterprises respond to the carbon tariff policies released by Europe and the United States as soon as possible. 1. Overview of the bill: In June 2022, the U.S. Senate proposed the Clean Competition Act to implement carbon border adjustments on energy-intensive imported products. It is expected to impose carbon tariffs on U.S.-made products and U.S. importers starting in 2024, including Refining, petrochemicals, fertilizers, cement, steel and aluminum. What is different from the EU CBAM is the baseline for carbon tariff calculation and the objects to be levied. The US CCA Act charges carbon fees for importers and domestic manufacturers, but domestic manufacturers can obtain tax rebates when exporting to other countries; the calculation method is based on the US Department of the Treasury. The reported information is used to calculate the average carbon content of each category of U.S. products as the baseline for levying carbon taxes. If the manufacturer's carbon intensity exceeds the carbon intensity baseline applicable to the U.S. industry, it must pay carbon tax on the excess. . In addition, the baseline will be adjusted downward by 2.5% every year starting from 2025, and by 5% every year after 2029. It is worth noting that exports to the United States are taxable


摘要:   本文由政策動向與產業趨勢出發,指出中小企業目前在淨零排放議題上受到的衝擊,主要來自歐盟碳邊境管理機制與供應鏈減碳趨勢,並且在第二部分說明,中小企業可以透過三步驟因應源自於淨零排放議題的各種挑戰。文章的第三部分則考慮到中小企業的人力與資金有限,以及減碳策略必須要容易導入與實施,提出透過節能落實減碳的建議。 壹、淨零排放對中小企業的衝擊影響:   面對淨零排放議題,排除自願推動減碳或承諾淨零排放目標的中小企業,中小企業的衝擊影響主要來自於兩個面向。第一,國內外相關法規的管制措施,第二,來自品牌商承諾供應鏈減碳所帶來的壓力。 一、國內外相關法規管制措施   首先,關於國內外相關法規的管制措施。過往環境部僅要求直接碳排放量超過2.5萬噸的企業,必須每年進行溫室氣體盤查與查證作業,並將盤查結果登錄至「事業溫室氣體排放量資訊平台」。受到管制的企業包含電力、水泥、鋼鐵、石油、半導體、面板製造等287家企業。   然而,自2023年起,環境部修正「溫室氣體排放量盤查登錄及查驗管理辦法」並擴大管制對象,要求直接碳排放量與間接碳排放量加總超過2.5萬噸CO2e的企業,每年10月31日前必須至「

Gower's "Climate Tracker" leaked carbon emission data, Long Steel ranked among Taiwan's top ten pollution sources

In the second episode of Gower's Climate Mirror, the world's dirtiest pollution source has been replaced? Among the major carbon emitters named in 2022, who has improved? Who's worse off? Climate TRACE is currently the world's most detailed independent global greenhouse gas emissions database. Among the 500 dirtiest carbon emission sources in the world in 2022, 7 are from Taiwan. Image source: Taken from the official website of Climate TRACE. Do you still remember that at COP27 last year, former US Vice President Al Gore opened the climate mirror "Climate TRACE"? It integrates data from satellites, remote sensing and other public and commercial data, and uses AI to calculate the carbon emissions of the world's 72,612 dirtiest power plants, refineries, oil fields, steel plants, cement plants, airports and other 20 major industries. Spread out on a world map, it claims to be the most detailed independent global greenhouse gas emissions database available. Gall is back in 2023. This time it was even more violent. The number of pollution sources exposed exploded from more than 70,000 to 352 million, an annual increase of 4,400 times. It included cities, fishing ports, road traffic, rice fields, field burning, etc., and the time span of national-level carbon emission data was It has also been extended to 2015. The closest thing to a true global carbon emissions database "It's really powerful," Gower said. “We are participating in this COP specifically for this year’s global stocktake,” he pointed out. “Climate TRACE is currently the only independent, comprehensive source of accurate data that can be used to take stocktakes.” In fact, Climate TRACE also

UK plans to impose carbon tax on imported goods from 2027

The British government announced that it expects to impose a carbon tax on imported products such as aluminum, steel and cement from 2027 to improve the carbon leakage problem and prevent local companies from being harmed by overseas manufacturers. The British Treasury said that the upcoming carbon tax will help improve carbon leakage, that is, companies shift production to countries with environmental regulations or lower production costs. Specifically, this carbon tax policy will create a level playing field for British domestic manufacturers, allowing local British companies that value environmental protection to compete fairly with overseas companies that have higher carbon emissions but lower production costs. British Finance Minister Jeremy Hunt pointed out that "a carbon tax will ensure that high-carbon products from overseas (such as steel and ceramics) have a consistent carbon emission cost with products produced in the UK, while promoting the reduction of global carbon emissions." However, British Steel (British Steel) criticized the government for its slow pace of policy promotion, which is one year slower than the European Union's CBAM. However, Gareth Stace, director general of UK Steel, pointed out that the newly formulated carbon tax policy is correct and will help create a level playing field for the British steel industry. Source:


摘要: 為掌握鋼鐵金屬產業供應鏈減碳趨勢,與該產業之中小型企業可行之減碳作法,本文彙整歐盟碳邊境管理機制之最新發展、鋼鐵金屬製品出口歐盟概況、鋼鐵大廠推動供應鏈減碳之趨勢,並借鏡英國、瑞典等國家之中小型金屬扣件製造商之減碳經驗、精神與作法,提出三大因應建議,作為政策執行與計畫推動精進之參考依據。 壹、歐盟碳邊境管理機制:   經過多年討論,歐盟終於在今(2023)年5月10日就碳邊境管理機制(Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism, CBAM)達成協議,完成立法作業。根據歐盟執委會(European Commission)發布的資訊,CBAM將自2023年10月1日進入過渡期(transitional phase),並且從2026年1月起正式施行。歐盟執委會同時指出,CBAM進入過渡期之後,歐盟當地進口商至遲須於2024年1月31日前完成第一波回報。   CBAM進入過渡期之後,水泥、鋼鐵、鋁、肥料、電力、氫等產品輸入歐盟時,便需要提報產品碳含量數據,惟過渡期內進口商僅須針對上述產品提交碳含量數據,不必額外支出任何費用。歐盟期盼CBAM的利害關係人(進口商


摘要:  本文研析國際機械設備大廠透過哪一些措施因應減碳與淨零排放等環境永續議題,同時調查國際上機械產業中小企業透過哪一些措施,落實企業減碳,回應利害關係人的期待,作為機械產業減碳策略與措施發展參考。   參考國際大廠與中小企業的經驗,本文建議,我國機械產業中小企業可以透過(一)產品永續設計、(二)製程優化升級、(三)廢棄物回收再利用等三大策略,推動減碳工作,回應環境永續議題。 壹、我國機械產品出口概況:   機械產業已經於2022年正式成為我國產品出口超過兆元的重要產業之一。事實上,機械產業的出口實績,在過去三年皆呈現著上升的趨勢,顯示台灣機械產品廣受國際市場青睞。統計數據顯示,機械產業2020年的出口總值為260.8億美元、2021年首度突破300億美元達到331.38億美元、2022年出口總值則是348.13億美元,換算約為新臺幣1.03兆元、2023年1到5月的出口值則為119.89億美元。以2022年出口為例,機械產業前三大出口品依序為電子機械設備(50.84億美元,占比14.6%)、檢量測機械設備(49.19億美元,占比14.1%)、工具機(30.23億美元,占比8.7%)


摘要:  本文研析國際汽車大廠透過哪一些策略,回應淨零排放議題,同時調查,同時調查國際上汽車產業中小企業透過哪一些措施,推動企業減碳,以便回應車廠的減碳需求,作為機械產業中小企業減碳策略與錯失發展的參考。參考國際大廠與中小企業的經驗,本文建議,我國汽車產業中小企業除了可以透過節能、低碳產品設計、產品/原料回收再利用、製程升級、導入再生能源等策略,推動減碳工作,亦可爭取國際具公信力的認證,強化與外界溝通減碳工作成效的效率。 壹、議題背景:   根據國際能源總署(IEA)的調查與估算,全球有超過三分之一的碳排放量來自運輸貢獻,其中道路運輸的占比超過70%。這樣的現象,不僅使得電動汽車、機車、貨車等產品推陳出新,也讓各界將減碳的焦點放到各大車廠上。另一方面,我國汽車零組件龐大的出口規模,也使得我們認為有必要針對汽車產業供應鏈的減碳趨勢進行研究。藉此,一方面瞭解代表性車廠的減碳策略,另一方面也釐清汽車產業中的中小型供應商,主要透過哪一些措施,回應車廠的減碳策略。   根據台灣區車輛工業同業公會調查統計,我國汽車零組件出口在2014年便突破2,000億美元,並在2022年達到2,530億美元的出

COP28 達成歷史性的成果-脫離化石燃料的開始

聯合國第28屆氣候大會(COP28)主席賈比爾(Sultan Al Jaber)敲響木槌,如雷的掌聲響起,這是歷史性的一刻。全球近200個國家無異議通過「脫離化石燃料(transitioning away from fossil fuels)」的決議。終結化石燃料就從這一刻開始。 「我們該為這個歷史性的成就感到自豪。」賈比爾說。 此刻的歡樂有別於兩天前的氣憤、沮喪與失望。原定12日閉幕的氣候大會雖然延後了一天,卻為第一次的全球盤點(Global Stocktake)寫下歷史新頁。 杜拜時間13日上午,聯合國第28屆氣候大會(COP28)最終決議出爐,由大會主席賈比爾(Sultan Al Jaber)敲響木槌。圖片來源:UNclimatechange(CC BY-NC-SA 2.0) 化石燃料第一次寫入氣候決議 《巴黎協定》要求各國應將全球平均升溫控制在2℃以下,並力求不超過1.5℃。為評估減碳缺口,每五年進行一次盤點。COP28大會必須決定明確的行動計畫,以做為全球氣候行動的基礎。 11日的決議草稿寫著要「以公正、有序且公平的方式來減少化石燃料消費和生產」,並未提及歐美與小島嶼國家希望

評總統候選人氣候政見 TCAN:2030減碳目標侯、柯交白卷 賴野心不足

總統大選倒數一個月,由多個環團組成的台灣氣候行動網絡(TCAN)昨(12)日舉辦記者會評比三黨候選人的氣候政見。TCAN指出,三位候選人都未提出有野心的2030年減碳目標,侯友宜、柯文哲甚至交出白卷;能源配比方面,侯、柯納入核電的可行性低,且COP28聯合國氣候大會的協議草案並未納入核能。TCAN表示,三組候選人的氣候政見將彙整在「2024總統氣候政見放大鏡」網站,提供選民參照。 台灣氣候行動網絡昨日公布「2024年總統氣候政見放大鏡」。圖片來源:擷取自2024年總統氣候政見放大鏡網站 2030減碳目標侯、柯交白卷 賴野心不足 聯合國氣候大會(COP28)接近尾聲,台灣總統大選也邁入倒數一個月。昨日「2024總統氣候政見放大鏡」網站發布記者會上,TCAN盤點候選人減碳目標、碳定價、電力結構、再生能源、產業轉型、公民參與、公正轉型等七類氣候政見。 環境權保障基金會研究員林彥廷表示,三位候選人都未提出有野心的2030年減碳目標。侯友宜至今未表態,柯文哲副手吳欣盈受訪時曾提到2030年減碳40%,是否納入政見仍有待確認;唯一提出2030年目標的賴清德,維持既有政策的24±1%,太過消極。根據


摘要:   隨著全球氣候變遷挑戰日益嚴峻,各國對地球環境保護與永續發展相關議題的關注日益倍增,且在各行業逐漸發酵,使「綠色金融(Green Finance)」相關應用工具因應而生,並扮演企業實現淨零目標的關鍵角色,為政府、企業與投資者共同創造實現環境永續的工具及機會。然而,相對於大型企業,中小企業的資源與輔導明顯不足,爰需政府協助培育更多相關人才,以降低中小企業實踐淨零轉型的門檻,並為中小企業提供專案綠色金融服務,藉以因應氣候變遷對中小企業的衝擊與影響,並開啟實踐 2050 淨零排放目標的道路。 壹、背景:   隨著全球氣候變遷挑戰日益嚴峻,各國對地球環境保護與永續發展相關議題的關注日益倍增。不僅如此,永續發展的議題在各行業逐漸發酵,使「綠色金融(Green Finance)」相關應用工具因應而生,並扮演企業實現淨零目標的關鍵角色,進一步使企業營運發展的同時兼顧環境保護。不僅如此 ,越來越多的投資者開始關注企業在 ESG(Environmental, Social, Governance)的表現,他們希望將資金投資在具有環境永續意識的企業。因此,綠色金融的發展為政府、企業與投資者共同創

my country Carbon Exchange Business and Response Strategies for Small and Medium Enterprises

Abstract: As the challenge of global climate change becomes increasingly severe, in addition to the increasing attention of governments around the world on issues related to global environmental protection and sustainable development, companies have also responded to their greenhouse gas reduction responsibilities. my country passed the Climate Change Response Act in February this year (112), clearly setting a net-zero emissions target for 2050 and authorizing the formulation of sub-laws and regulations related to carbon pricing and management. In order to encourage companies to implement net-zero emission goals, the government will launch the operation of carbon rights and carbon trading markets to assist companies in their net-zero transformation and reduce the impact of climate change. Although most government carbon reduction policies prioritize large enterprises or emission sources for control, small and medium-sized enterprises are still part of the supply chain and must also face carbon reduction requirements from customers. Therefore, small and medium-sized enterprises must also keep abreast of international trends (CBAM, etc.) and relevant domestic regulations (such as carbon fee collection, reduction credit transfer, trading or auction, etc.) to understand the risks and impacts on themselves and make corresponding countermeasures , carry out net-zero transformation as early as possible and create green business opportunities. 1. Background: As the challenge of global climate change becomes increasingly severe, in addition to the increasing attention of governments around the world on issues related to global environmental protection and sustainable development, companies have also responded to their greenhouse gas reduction responsibilities. In addition, in response to major international countries' promotion of net-zero emissions-related goals, strategies and mechanisms, China passed the Climate Change Response Act in February this year (112). In addition to enshrining the 2050 net-zero emissions target into law, it also authorized Formulate sub-laws and regulations related to carbon pricing and management, such as total control and allocation, carbon fees

PAS 2060: 2014 The Structure and Spirit of Carbon Neutrality

Background of carbon neutrality: In recent years, the trend of carbon neutrality has been growing. If you search for "carbon neutrality" on the Internet, you will find that there are national-level carbon neutralities. For example, Japan and South Korea announced 2050 carbon neutrality. Neutralization, to carbon neutrality at the food, clothing, housing and transportation level in public life, such as: carbon-neutral meals, carbon-neutral shampoo, carbon-neutral marathons, etc. As the public attaches great importance to carbon reduction, countries and enterprises , individuals have begun to set carbon reduction goals and plan reduction actions, and carbon neutrality is the carbon reduction goal currently adopted by most entities. In order to cope with the impact of extreme climate, entities around the world have invested money, manpower, and time in carbon reduction. However, substantial carbon reduction is not an easy task and is difficult to implement in most cases. Therefore, "carbon offset" is very important for carbon neutrality. and played an important role. According to the definition of carbon neutrality in PAS 2060:2014, "the greenhouse gas emissions related to the subject matter during a specified period result in no net increase in greenhouse gas emissions in the atmosphere." Entities can achieve carbon neutrality by reducing and offsetting their carbon footprint through "self-reduction" and "external offsets". The "self-reduction" part is particularly important. It must be reduced to the point where it can no longer be reduced. At this time, the emissions that cannot be reduced will be offset through "external offsets". "Self-reduction" is usually achieved by investing in new technologies, new equipment, and new management methods. In practice, it is often a step-by-step reduction. Therefore, carbon neutrality is essentially a long-term carbon management plan. painting, a reduction plan should be planned and properly managed


摘要:   氣候變遷和異常不只對環境更對經濟帶來嚴重的後果,視為全球不容再忽視的議題。英國經濟學家斯特恩爵士的報告指出,氣候變遷可謂為嚴重的市場失靈,可能導致全球 GDP 損失高達 20%。為了解決此一問題,各國政府決定透過「碳定價機制」來控制溫室氣體排放,碳稅正是碳定價機制其中之一。此外,根據世界銀行的報告,全球各國實施碳稅的趨勢不斷增加、全球碳稅稅率趨勢逐漸攀升,而我國為因應氣候變遷,於 2023 年 2 月已通過《氣候變遷因應法》,計劃在 2024 年對企業實施碳費徵收措施,作為相應的對策。雖然碳費價格尚未確定,但這項措施將成為我國與世界接軌的重要措施;同時,也成為全球實施碳費的首例。未來,我國企業將積極進行全面碳盤查,並規劃完善的減碳策略,以達成淨零目標。 壹、背景:  全球的氣候變遷和異常一直是個棘手的問題,近年來人類意識到氣候的變遷不只關係到人類生存的環境。以經濟學家的角度說,氣候變遷是世界上最嚴重的市場失靈,根據英國經濟學家尼古拉斯。斯特恩爵士(Sir Nicholas Stern)撰寫關於環境困境的首份報告中顯示,人類因氣候變遷付出的代價可能高達全球 GDP 的 20%

2024氣候績效指標 首次沒有國家在氣候政策有「好」表現

每年都會引起國內關注的「氣候變遷績效指標」(Climate Change Performance Index),今(8日)在聯合國氣候大會(COP28)上公布最新排名。在受評比的63個國家中,前三名依然從缺,「榜首」與去年一樣維持丹麥,菲律賓、印度擠進前十名。台灣下跌了四名,位居第61,與本屆COP主辦國阿拉伯聯合大公國,以及俄羅斯、美國同屬氣候績效「非常差」的後段班。 各國氣候政策指標沒「好」表現 榜首丹麥也不夠力 CCPI由德國看守協會(Germanwatch)、新氣候研究所(NewClimate Institute)與氣候行動網絡(Climate Action Network,CAN)共同評比,已連續第19年發布報告。CCPI依據四大指標,溫室氣體排放(40%)、再生能源發展(20%)、能源使用(20%)與氣候政策(20%)來監測全球63個國家和歐盟27國的氣候績效。列入評比的國家溫室氣體排放量佔全球90%以上。 今年前三名依舊從缺,沒有一個國家的表現符合升溫1.5°C內的標準。第四名的「榜首」丹麥與去年一樣,愛沙尼亞位居第五,攀升了四個名次。菲律賓、印度、荷蘭擠進第6~8名。


淨零核能產業承諾(The Net Zero Nuclear Industry Pledge)於COP28獲得25個國家與120家公司的支持,承諾到2050年將核電裝置容量將增加兩倍。在此之前,22個國家在COP28上簽署了一項由美國主導的核能宣言。 世界核能協會(WNA)總幹事Sama Bilbao y Leon表示,該承諾呼籲各國政府、多邊開發銀行和世界銀行確保核能獲得與其他清潔能源同等的氣候融資,使核能產業能夠在全球大規模部署,為減緩氣候變遷做出重大貢獻。 俄羅斯雖然沒有簽署該宣言,但對其積極的態度表示歡迎,且俄羅斯經濟副部長Vladimir Ilyichev表示,沒有核能,就不可能實現氣候目標。此外,俄羅斯國家原子能公司也加入了「淨零核能產業承諾」,並表示核能是深度脫碳的一種行之有效的、快速的、有彈性的解決方案,透過加入“淨零核能產業承諾”,俄羅斯國家原子能公司將致力於與政府和利益相關者合作,到2050年將核電裝置容量增加三倍。 資料來源: Nuclear Engineering


地球氣候正在迅速變化,需要採取緊急行動以避免對人類和大自然造成具破壞性的後果。 那麼這些「解決方案」有哪些?進展如何? 資料來源: BBC

94%捕撈作業會撈到海洋垃圾 刺網船淨海清出逾313公斤海廢

11月21日是聯合國世界漁業日,漁民權益暨環境永續中心(漁環中心)舉行雲林嘉義近沿岸海洋廢物回收紀錄發表會,由10艘以刺網捕魚的漁船,在2023年首三季共進行了504筆調查,清出海上313.59公斤、共4680件海洋垃圾。垃圾組成以塑膠和漁業垃圾為主,占總體海廢量88%,漁業垃圾中更有86%為蚵條,也是西南海域特殊的海廢。 漁民捕撈時收集到的海洋垃圾。圖片來源︰漁民權益暨環境永續中心 94%捕撈作業會撈到海洋垃圾 漁環中心獲海保署補助,進行為期一年的試驗計畫,由雲林縣口湖鄉台子村10艘漁船共10人,從2023年1月至9月期間,在台西鄉、四湖鄉、口湖鄉和東石鄉四個地區,記錄在沿岸海域以刺網捕撈到海廢的數據,累計504筆調查。調查位置附近有蚵棚、離岸風電場、六輕石化廠、垃圾掩埋場和掩埋復育場。 結果發現,94%捕撈作業會撈到海洋垃圾;9個月內清除了313.59公斤共4680件海洋垃圾,垃圾組成以塑膠和漁業垃圾為主,也有不少家庭垃圾,例如球鞋、寶特瓶等。 參與分析數據的國立海洋大學海洋事務與資源管理研究所研究助理邱靖淳表示,四個區域的垃圾數量,會因為收集垃圾的漁船數量而有影響,但以平均計算,

綠色和平國際供應鏈脫碳評比 台積電、和碩並列東亞第三

綠色和平昨(21)日發布「2023國際供應鏈脫碳報告」,針對在東亞地區設廠的11家消費性電子業重要供應商的減碳和再生能源行動,評比對象包含台積電、和碩與鴻海三家台灣企業。報告指出,台積電與和碩總體評分等級有提升,並列東亞第三名,鴻海則沒有進步維持排名後段。整體的表現仍不夠積極,對比其他企業再生能源占比中位數為20%,國內企業仍有大幅落差。 高耗電產業面臨脫碳壓力 電子供應鏈再生能源占比上升 綠色和平東亞辦公室連續兩年展開電子供應鏈脫碳調查,今年針對在東亞地區設廠11家消費性電子業重要供應商,分析各廠的減碳和再生能源行動,於昨(21)日發布「2023國際供應鏈脫碳報告」。調查對象包含中國的立訊精密、京東方,韓國的LG、samsung等,台灣則有半導體龍頭台積電、最終組裝大廠和碩與電子零組件大廠鴻海共三家企業。 綠色和平分析,這11家企業大多數仍高度仰賴化石燃料電力,目前這些企業的再生能源占比中位數為20%,相較前一年度(2021年)約增加10%。綠色和平強調,單看消費性電子產業中的半導體業,預計2030年碳排放量將達8600萬噸,若要達成抑制全球升溫1.5°C目標,各企業應積極規劃203

SRF廠抗議多 環團憂引進遠洋垃圾 循環署承諾不會讓進口廢塑膠做燃料棒

由可燃垃圾做成的「固體再生燃料」(SRF),近年被政府視為轉廢為能的關鍵,發展的同時,建廠卻屢屢在地方引起爭議。時代力量立委陳椒華14日召開公聽會,邀請環保團體及政府單位一同討論。環保團體質疑,SRF發電並非國際上認可的綠電,也憂心業者大舉投入SRF,若垃圾不夠燒,恐致國外廢塑膠流入國內。資源循環署當場承諾,會禁止國外廢塑膠進口做成SRF;至於將SRF從再生能源除名的修法訴求,則未獲能源署回應。 由廢紙、廢塑膠製成的固體再生燃料(SRF)。資料照/攝影:陳昭宏 環團批SRF「假綠電」 燒廢塑膠等同燒化石燃料 為增加廢棄物處理量能,政府近年鼓勵民間設廠將廢塑膠、廢紙等可燃垃圾破碎、分選後壓製成SRF,賣給工廠及電廠,轉廢為能。若發電效率達25%,業者可獲每度近3.95元的再生能源躉購費率。然而環保團體指出,燒廢塑膠等同燒化石燃料,SRF發電是「假綠電」。 時代力量立委陳椒華舉辦「SRF燒廢棄物發電非綠能,規範不足爭議大」公聽會,邀請環保團體、環境部、經濟部及地方環保局代表出席討論。 台南社大副研究員林政翰表示,國際再生能源總署(IRENA)所定義的綠電,並不包含燒塑膠發電,呼籲能源署修法

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