European Commission publishes guidance on mixture assessment
The European Commission (The European Commission) Joint Research Center (JRC) recently released a comprehensive guide on methodologies for assessing the toxic effects of mixtures, providing manufacturers with more complete information on mixture testing.
In addition to comprehensively summarizing the toxic effects methodologies of many mixtures recognized by the EU, this report also contains an incisive summary of the harmful substances content of the EU's hazardous substances-related regulations and directives, providing manufacturers with information on hazardous substances that can integrate all regulations and directives. Require. The regulations and directives summarized in the guide are as follows:
– Plant protection products (Plant protection products, Reg 1107/2009);
– Public-Private Sector Partnership Regulation – Active Ingredients Requirement (PPP-AI Requirement, Reg 283/2013);
– PPP-Formulation Requirement (Reg 284/2013);
– Biocides Regulation (Biocides, Reg 528/2012);
– Human medicines (Dir 2001/83/EC);
– Veterinary medicines (Dir 2001/82/EC);
– Cosmetics Regulation (Cosmetics, Reg 1223/2009);
– Regulations on the classification, labeling and packaging of chemical substances and mixtures (CLP, Reg 1272/2008);
– Regulation on Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemical Substances (REACH, Reg 1907/2006);
– Food additive (Reg 1333/2008);
– Feed additive and feed additive assessment (Reg 1331/2008; Reg 429/2008);
– Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA, Dir 2011/92/EC);
– Integrated pollution prevention and control (IPPC, Dir 2010/75/EC);
– Waste and waste streams Directive (Waste and waste streams, Dir 2008/98/EC);
– Water Framework Directive (WFD, Dir 98/83/EC);
– Groundwater Directive (Dir 2006/118/EC);
– Environmental Quality Standards Directive (EQS Directive, Dir 2013/39/EU);
– Marine Strategy Directive (Dir 2008/56/EC);
– Drinking water (Dir 98/83/EC);
– Soil thematic strategy – Soil framework directive