Enforcement of regulations December 1, 2008 (Australia) April 1, 2009 (New Zealand) All digital TV (DTV) set top boxes (STB) imported to or manufactured in the above areas must comply with the Minimum Energy Efficiency Standards (MEPS) and must Energy Labelling – Register on the Energy Rating website. Note: Digital set-top boxes produced before the above implementation date are still allowed to continue to be sold.
Product Categories DTV STB free-to-air (FTA) DTV STB Subscription TV (STV)
最低能效要求 機頂盒必須根據AS/NZS 62087.1的方法進行測試。具有不同功能的機頂盒,其被動待機模式(passive standby mode)、主動待機模式(active standby mode)和工作模式(ON mode)下所消耗的功率都不能超過AS/NZS 62087.2.1的限值。
高能效要求 滿足下面要求的機頂盒被認為是高能效產品 |