美國《消費品安全改進法案》- 鄰苯二甲酸酯類問答集彙整(II) NO.3/2009 |
Chapter 108 limits the content of phthalates in children's toys and child care products. Children's toys are consumer products produced by manufacturers specifically for children under the age of 12 to play with. To determine whether a specific product is specifically designed for children under 12 years of age to play, the following factors will be considered and handled on a case-by-case basis:
| The manufacturer's statement of intended use of the product, including the label on the product. |
| Whether packaging, display, promotion, or advertising is intended for users of a specific age group. |
| 消費者廣泛的認知是給特定年齡層兒童使用的產品。 |
| The Age Decision Guide published by committee members in 2002, and any subsequent revisions to this guide. |
The manufacturer must provide the above requirements and then consider whether the product is intended for children to play with and use to determine whether the product meets the definition of a children's toy. Whether a product can be played and used by children is the most basic point of view in the judgment process. During the transition period, the committee will plan to use the ASTM F963-07 toy standard as a guide.
如何判斷該項產品是符合鄰苯二甲酸酯類限值的兒童護理產品? |
Child care products are consumer products produced by manufacturers specifically to help children under 3 years old sleep, eat, breastfeed, or teeth. For example, rubber pacifiers/teeth retainers are products to assist teething, bibs can assist with eating, and cribs, pajamas and sheets are used to help babies sleep.
如何判斷該玩具是否可被置於兒童口中? |
The law temporarily prohibits children's products and care products that contain DINP, DIDP or DnOP in concentrations exceeding 0.1% that can be put into children's mouths. As for whether a toy can be placed in a child's mouth, there is the following definition: A toy can be placed in a child's mouth, which means that any part of the toy can be brought to the child's mouth and placed in the mouth for sucking or chewing. If the toy can only be used for sticking and licking, it is considered not to be placed in the mouth. By definition, as long as any length, width, or height of the toy itself or its parts is less than 5 centimeters, it is considered to be placed in a child's mouth.
產品包裝是否需要符合鄰苯二甲酸酯類禁用法令?該包裝為丟棄式(例:塑膠袋和氣泡包裝)或可重複使用(例:拿來收納整組積木並可重複使用附拉鍊的塑膠袋) ,在執行上有無差別? |
CPSIA defines children's toys as consumer products intended for children under 12 years of age to play with. Packaging is generally not designed for children to play with, and most packaging is discarded and is not used with children's toys or child care products. If the packaging is designed to be reused or used together with children's toys or child care products, such as reusable plastic bags used to store building blocks, it needs to comply with the phthalate ban law.
如果一種化妝品材料被用於玩具,是否會被視作玩具的一部分並因此而必須遵守關於鄰苯二甲酸鹽的禁令? |
Yes. If cosmetic materials are included in the toy set, they must comply with the requirements of the phthalate ban law. However, general cosmetic materials that are not packaged with toys are not subject to Chapter 108, but are within the scope of food and drug control.
製造商是否可使用未被列入管制的鄰苯二甲酸酯類或替代的塑化劑於兒童玩具或兒童護理用品? |
CPSIA has permanently banned DEHP, DBP, and BBP, and temporarily banned the use of DINP, DIDP, and DnOP. However, non-regulated phthalates or alternative plasticizers other than the above banned phthalates can be used in children's toys or child care products. Before the final rule is promulgated, the temporarily banned DINP, DIDP, and DnOP will be evaluated, as well as the possible health effects of various other phthalates and phthalate substitutes.
製造商依然有責任確保兒童產品在聯邦危險物品法案(Federal Hazardous Substances Act,簡稱FHSA)的要求下不含有害物質。製造商當然有義務確保任何替代塑化劑有經過足夠的測試,而可以保證在正常使用或可能的錯誤使用情況下,使用該產品不會有受傷的危機。危險或含有有害物質的兒童產品是自動禁止的
The above translation is for reference only, please refer to the original text.