ECHA releases the 12th batch of list of substances of high concern
ECHA announced the twelfth batch of Substances of High Concern List No.13/2014. The European Chemical Agency (ECHA) announced on December 17, 2014 […]
ECHA proposes to include 5 substances including DMF in the authorization list
ECHA proposed to include DMF and other five substances in the authorization list. ECHA submitted a proposal to the European Commission on February 10, 2014 to include N, […]
EU REACH adds 2 new substances of very high concern, the candidate list of substances has increased to 163
EU REACH adds two new substances of very high concern to the candidate list and the number of substances has increased to 163. On June 15, the European Chemical Agency added two new substances of very high concern ([…]
ECHA updates guidance on downstream users and safety data sheets
ECHA updates guidance on downstream users and safety data sheets European Chemicals Age […]
ECHA recommends adding 10 substances of high concern to the authorization list
ECHA recommended that 10 substances of high concern be added to the authorization list. ECHA targeted the authorization list (REAH Regulation Appendix XIV) in June last year (2012) […]
ECHA announces the addition of two new substances of high concern to the candidate list
ECHA announced the addition of two substances of very high concern to the Candidate List No. 10/2015. The European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) announced in 201 […]
EU Customs intends to strengthen audits of ANNEX 17 banned and restricted substances
EU Customs wants to strengthen the audit of ANNEX 17 banned and restricted substances No. 13/2015. Dear readers, ECHA recently announced that it will be implemented next year […]
Denmark targets SME electronic and electrical product manufacturers to promote chemical substances to comply with regulatory requirements
Denmark targets SME electronic and electrical product manufacturers to promote chemical substances that comply with regulatory requirements. Danish Environmental Protection (Danish En […]
ZDHC releases guidelines for the management of chemical substances in the textile industry
ZDHC releases guidelines for the management of chemical substances in the textile industry Zero Discharge of Hazard […]
Sweden's TCO Edge certification plans to increase recycled plastic content in monitors
Swedish TCO Edge certification plans to increase the recycled plastic content of monitors. The Swedish Professional Employees Association (TCO, Swedish […]