Design thinking under the circular economy changes the "green design" talked about in the early days, which usually focuses on the selection and management of materials, reducing packaging and transportation methods, and even the issue of not causing environmental pollution when discarded. It is basically architecture. Based on the "4R concept of environmental protection in the green life cycle (Reduce source, Reuse, Recycle, Replace)", we can reduce pollution and improve the impact of global environmental ecology. However, with the industrial transformation and green transformation under the international trend of sustainable development, design thinking has also changed. In the process of traditional product design and development in the past, product designers mainly started from the user's needs and feelings, emphasizing the product aspect, such as the aesthetics of appearance, the durability and feel of materials, and the ease of use of the product. Detailed design considerations such as operational fluency are the main considerations. However, today's product design not only emphasizes cool appearance, nor does it only use green materials, but also needs to be able to live in peace with the environment and achieve the goal of recycling and sustainability. Even if the product life cycle ends, it will not become an environmental hazard. burden. Therefore, we need to advance from green design to circular design. The common point between "circular design" and past product design is the "user-centered" customer-oriented thinking, but the difference is that "circular design" advocates dematerialization and the use of sustainable products with circular economic value. Materials and recycling systems are given priority, and commercial value is considered comprehensively. Examine product cycle benefits from tangible to intangible and seek innovations for various issues