The EU calls on the industry on its website ( that if chemical substance manufacturers or importers want to continue to manufacture and To import existing chemical substances, pre-registration must be completed between June 1 and December 1, 2008.. It is estimated that the EU will receive more than 18,000 registration files. Pre-registration allows companies that register the same chemical substances to share information and improve their knowledge of chemical substances.
The registration of new chemical substances (substances other than existing chemical substances) will begin on June 1, 2008.
There are two ways to pre-register, but both must use the REACH-IT system:
1. Online registration through the REACH-IT system on the European Chemical Agency (ECHA) website: the files and information required for registration of chemical substances are uploaded to ECHA through this tool. Once the company uploads the information, it will be stored in the REACH-IT archive. After that, the registered company can log in at any time to view its files, conduct data searches, and obtain the contact information of companies that have registered the same substance.
2. Pre-registration via computer file: Upload the file to REACH-IT in XML format through the IUCLID 5 system provided by ECHA or the manufacturer's own software.
ECHA will publish a list of all pre-registered substances on its website on January 1, 2009. The name of the substance, identification code, and registration deadline will be announced on the list.
The attachment is the questions and answers on pre-registration and registration announced by the European Union on April 11 this year (a total of 5 pages) to provide manufacturers with reference.
– Reference source: EU Enterprise Agency website
– Translated by Plastics Industry Technology Development Center
For reference only, please refer to the original text
Other related file downloads:
ECHA Pre-registration 2008-04-11.pdf