China REACH: Polymer declaration requirements
Market Challenges According to China's REACH regulations (Environmental Management Measures for New Chemical Substances), polymers that are not listed in the "Inventory of Existing Chemical Substances Produced or Imported in China (IECSC)" will be regarded as new For chemical substances, relevant units need to comply with relevant reporting regulations and report to the Chemical Registration Center (CRC) before manufacturing or importing. Enterprises outside China can designate a domestic institution to carry out the declaration process. It must be noted that if all the monomers in the polymer are listed in the "Inventory of Existing Chemical Substances in China", but the polymer itself is not listed in the inventory, a declaration is still required. In China's new environmental management measures for chemical substances, polymers are defined as follows: The most commonly used method is to test samples with Gel Permeation Chromatography (GPC) to determine whether the sample belongs to the category of polymers. When searching in the Inventory of Existing Chemical Substances in China, the first thing to pay attention to is how the polymers are named. The Chinese name of the polymer is named according to the "Polymer Chemistry Nomenclature (2005 Edition)", and the English name is named according to the IUPAC or CAS rules.