Recently, the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA), after including 15 substances in the first batch of REACH High Concern List (SVHC) in 2008, announced the first draft list of substances that require ECHA authorization before they can be used. According to the draft, 7 substances were first included in the list (Annex XIV).
The seven substances included in the list are: 5-tert-butyl-2,4,6-trinitrom-xylene (xylene musk), short-chain chlorinated paraffins (SCCPs, C10~C13), hexabromo Cyclodecane (HBCDD) and all related major diastereomers, bis(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP), butyl benzyl phthalate (BBP), phthalate Dibutyl formate (DBP) and 4,4'-diaminodiphenylmethane (MDA).
According to the REACH regulations, companies must apply for a license if they want to use substances on the authorization list. Applicants must demonstrate that the risks of substance use can be adequately controlled, or that the socioeconomic benefits outweigh the risks of use, and that there are no alternatives and corresponding alternative technologies.
ECHA stated that they evaluate whether to include these chemicals in the REACH restricted list based on the inherent characteristics, uses and approved dosage of the product. Stakeholders must respond to the consultation by April 14, 2009, and ECHA will determine the priority list by June 1, 2009. ECHA also recommends that authorization applications should be submitted within 24 to 30 months after the above substances enter REACH Annex XIV. After these substances are added to the list, they will no longer be used after 42 to 48 months.
ECHA also recommends that exempted substances that are allowed to be used under special conditions in Directive 76/769/EEC should also be included in the assessment. ECHA stated that it will refer to the comments received during the consultation and the opinions of the Member State Committees, may revise the draft, and submit the proposal to the European Commission for review. Regarding whether eight substances including anthracene, cobalt chloride, arsenic pentoxide, arsenic trioxide, sodium dichromate dihydrate, bistributyltin oxide, acid lead arsenate, and triethyl arsenate are included in the SVHC list To authorize, ECHA said it would consider it at a later date.
ECHA recommends that downstream companies should check as soon as possible whether they are using raw materials listed as SVHC, regularly audit suppliers (provide safety data sheets to raw material suppliers if necessary), and gradually replace SVHC raw materials within the specified period. |