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U.S. [Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act] FAQ

美國【消費品安全改進法案】F.A.Q   美國總統布希於2008年8月14日簽署【消費品安全改進法案】(Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act of 2008,簡稱CPSIA)。該法規授權並擴大美國消費品安全委員會(CPSC)更大權力,以防止不安全產品進入美國,以彌補現行美國消費品安全法的不足。以下為產品含有特定鄰苯二甲酸酯類(Phthalates)之常見問答集彙整。 1. 鄰苯二甲酸酯類禁用於何種產品?   永久禁止兒童玩具和兒童護理產品含有濃度超過 0.1% 的鄰苯二甲酸雙-2-乙基己基酯 (DEHP)、鄰苯二甲酸二丁酯(DBP)或鄰苯二甲酸丁酯苯甲酯(BBP)。兒童玩具意指適用於12歲以下兒童的產品;而兒童護理產品意指幫助3歲以下兒童入睡、進食、哺乳或出牙的產品。另外暫時禁止含有濃度超過0.1%的鄰苯二甲酸二異壬酯(DINP)、鄰苯二甲酸二異癸酯(DIDP)或鄰苯二甲酸二辛酯(DnOP)於可放進兒童口中的兒童產品及護理產品直至最終規定頒布為止。 2. 禁用法令是否適用於小型零件?   如同C

Pay attention to FSC controlled wood risk assessment and avoid economic losses in timber trade

Any company that has obtained FSC-mixed certification and uses controlled wood will feel that since the FSC organization implemented the FSC-STD-40-005 V2 standard (Company Assessment FSC Controlled Wood Standard) on January 1, 2007, there have been many changes to the FSC-controlled wood standards. The control requirements for wood are becoming increasingly detailed and stringent. In the process of implementing controlled wood management, many companies feel that the new standard adds a lot more content than the requirements of FSC-STD-40-005 V1. Some companies even believe that the management of controlled wood cannot be completed 100% by some domestic wood processors. Especially when it comes to risk assessment of controlled wood. But we have to pay attention: if a company purchases controlled wood but ignores certain requirements during the risk assessment process, this may result in the purchased materials not being used in the production of FSC-mixed products, or the products produced not being able to Sold as FSC certified product. The resulting economic losses can be huge. So we should spend a little more time conducting a risk assessment of controlled wood. FSC controlled wood should avoid the following five wood sources: FSC-STD-40-005 V2 gives 2 ways to purchase controlled wood. The first one: Purchase raw materials from suppliers who have obtained FSC controlled wood sales qualifications. Second: The company implements its own FSC controlled wood assessment process and purchases raw materials from non-certified suppliers. The first procurement method is the simplest, but currently there are only two companies in China that have obtained FSC certification.

GMP trends and tests in Asia

背景介紹 近年來,亞洲對外的藥品供應市場迅速增長,令全球活性藥物成分(API)、半成品及原材料的生產集中於亞洲。據in-pharmatechnologist.com於2007年12月發表的一篇文章稱,美國和歐盟用於生產成品藥的API中有80%來自亞洲,當中,中國和印度的供應量佔很大份額。 美國及歐盟的執法及主管部門亦相應開始關注入口藥品的質量而採取有關行動及計劃來保障使用者的安全。 亞洲面臨的考驗 美國及歐盟所定的GMP標準已成為亞洲供應商與出口商需要遵守的守則,與此同時,亦需要遵守自己國家的GMP法規。這種滿足一個或更多個管轄區標準的的巨大壓力,在過去以及未來若干年中都將是亞洲供應商要面臨的重大考驗。 三個最有影響力的管理機構及其標準 歐洲藥品管理局(EMEA)、美國食品藥品管理局(FDA)和日本厚生勞動省(MHLW)三家全球最具影響力的藥品管理機構各自採取不同的方法,保證國產與外來藥品生產的品質。 歐洲 EMEA採用一種以風險評估為基礎的方法,規定採用根據EU GMP標準生產的預加工材料,讓藥品生產商(或市場授權持有者[MAH])承擔確保合格質量的主要責任。 目前,EMEA在歐洲經

The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act - Collection of Q&A on Phthalates (I)

美國《消費品安全改進法案》- 鄰苯二甲酸酯類問答集彙整(I) NO.2/2009 美國總統布希於2008年8月14日簽署《消費品安全改進法案》(Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act of 2008,簡稱CPSIA)。該法規授權並擴大美國消費品安全委員會(CPSC)更大權力,以防止不安全產品進入美國,以彌補現行美國消費品安全法的不足。以下為產品含有特定鄰苯二甲酸酯類(Phthalates)之常見問答集彙整。鄰苯二甲酸酯類禁用於何種產品?永久禁止兒童玩具和兒童護理產品含有濃度超過 0.1% 的鄰苯二甲酸雙-2-乙基己基酯 (DEHP) 、鄰苯二甲酸二丁酯(DBP)或鄰苯二甲酸丁酯苯甲酯(BBP)。兒童玩具意指適用於12歲以下兒童的產品;而兒童護理產品意指幫助3歲以下兒童入睡、進食、哺乳或出牙的產品。另外暫時禁止含有濃度超過0.1%的鄰苯二甲酸二異壬酯(DINP)、鄰苯二甲酸二異癸酯(DIDP)或鄰苯二甲酸二辛酯(DnOP)於可放進兒童口中的兒童產品及護理產品直至最終規定頒布為止。 禁用法令是否適用於小型零件?如同CPSIA第10

The European Parliament voted to adopt the new Toy Safety Directive NO.1/2009

歐洲議會表決通過新的玩具安全指令 NO.1/2009 2008年12月18日,位於法國斯特拉斯堡的歐洲議會通過了新的玩具安全指令,內容涉及兒童玩具的生產材料、檢測以及市場監管等問題。現行的玩具安全指令88/378/EEC已實行了20年,而新的玩具安全指令主要為提高安全標準以確保危險的玩具不會流入市場,保護兒童免受危險有害的玩具損害。新版指令對於經銷商(economic operators)有更詳盡的定義和責任劃分: 製造商 (產品檔案必須保存10年,玩具須具載有型(type)/序號(serial numbers)) 授權代表 進口商 批發商. 新增了製造商需提供EC符合性聲明要求的規定。在玩具上市後,製造商須保存該聲明10年。廠商須執行安全/風險評估,也必需確認玩具中可能含有的有害物質,而該紀錄需保存在技術文件中。 化學物質 玩具中禁止含有可能致癌,引發突變或對生殖有害(CMR)的物質。 禁止了55項致過敏的芳香劑。 除現行指令限制的8項物質(銻、砷、鋇、鎘、鉻、鉛、汞、硒)外,新增了多項元素和其限值。 其他 嚴禁玩具附著於食物上,與食物共同販售的玩具需另外包裝。 將建立有發聲功能玩具

New revised EU WEEE draft – Q&A collection NO.44/2008

New revised EU WEEE draft – Q&A collection NO.44/2008 Scope and definitions Transfer specific annexes on the scope of the existing WEEE directive to the RoHS directive (article 95). The scope of the WEEE Directive will refer to the relevant appendix of the 10 categories of products applicable to the RoHS Directive. Clarify equipment outside the scope of the directive (e.g. fixed installation). In the future, devices will be divided into household devices (B2C – business to consumer) and non-home devices (B2B – business to business) through work procedures (comitology). The definitions in the directive are the same as the Waste Framework directive and the "Product Marketing" definition. Added definition of "remove". The 65% WEEE collection rate proposed in the collection target is based on the average number of electronic and electrical equipment that will be on the market in the next two years. Producers are required to meet the collection rate of this proposal every year starting in 2016. This rate applies to domestic and non-domestic WEEE. For specific countries that have difficulty meeting collection targets, working procedures will allow for transitional disposal. In 2012 the European Parliament and the Council will

EU RoHS New Revised Draft – Q&A Collection NO.43/2008

歐盟RoHS新修訂草案 – 問答集彙整 NO.43/2008 歐盟執行委員會於2008年12月3日公布針對現行RoHS指令的修正建議報告,同時發行了問答集說明修正內容和原由,其問答集內容彙整如下: A. 範圍和定義說明提議內容 (What is proposed?) 新增兩個描述指令範圍的附錄,附錄I描述明確的產品分類,附錄II由委員會修改,提供每項分類裡的產品清單。 醫療器材和監視及控制儀器以階段式納入管制範圍。 新增如”醫療器材”和”均勻材質”等的定義 B. 禁用物質提議內容 現有指令的禁用物質清單和最高濃度值移至附錄IV,並由委員會依工作程序(comitology)修訂。 禁用物質清單並未改變;然而,有4項物質(HBCDD、DEHP、BBP、DBP) 被鑑定為優先評估,且將來可能被列為禁用物質。 允許使用不符合指令的零部件,將有助於含有使用排外項目的設備上市。 新增醫療器材和監視及控制儀器設備的排外項目附錄,以因應現階段沒有可行替代物的特殊情形。 新的禁用物質將與REACH指令評估方法一致,以確保化學法規的一致性和最大的

澳洲能效標準( MEPS )測试-數位機上盒

澳洲能效標準( MEPS )測试-數位機上盒 法規實施2008年12月1日(澳洲)2009年4月1日(紐西蘭)所有入口到或在以上地區製造的數字電視機頂盒(Digital TV (DTV) set top box (STB))均要符合最低能效標準(MEPS),並且在Energy Labelling – Energy Rating 網站上註冊。注︰在以上實施日期之前生產的數字機頂盒仍然允許繼續銷售。 產品分類DTV STB  free-to-air (FTA)DTV STB  Subscription TV (STV) 最低能效要求機頂盒必須根據AS/NZS 62087.1的方法進行測試。具有不同功能的機頂盒,其被動待機模式(passive standby mode)、主動待機模式(active standby mode)和工作模式(ON mode)下所消耗的功率都不能超過AS/NZS 62087.2.1的限值。 高能效要求滿足下面要求的機頂盒被認為是高能效產品 滿足相應的最低能效要求; 被動待機狀態的功率不超過1W


1. Does injection molded product manufacturers directly export to the EU have anything to do with REACH? In this regard, it is necessary to consider notification of substances of very high concern, control of restricted substances in products, information transmission within the supply chain, etc. 2. Are polyethylene films, direct exporters related to REACH? Same as above 3. Who should be informed? Notify to the European Chemicals Agency, ECHA. 4. What if I make a mistake in judgment? Misjudgment will bring huge losses to the company. For example, products cannot enter the EU and are subject to huge fines by EU member states. You may consider asking professional organizations to assist you. 5. Assuming that substances of very high concern are detected after testing, should EU customers be required to report it and when? When a substance of very high concern is detected and the following four conditions are met, ECHA needs to be notified: 6. If registration is not required, what do we need to do? ? If you need to consider risks such as notification of substances of very high concern, control of restricted substances in products, information transmission within the supply chain, supply chain interruption, etc., to carry out these tasks, you need to know the ingredients, ask suppliers to provide or third-party testing, and customers You may be asked to provide it later. 7. What does the exporter of electronic items, not intentionally released, need to do if the manufacturing ingredients are on the list but not directly to the EU? Risks such as notification of substances of very high concern, control of restricted substances in products, information transfer within the supply chain, and supply chain interruptions need to be considered. 8. What if it is in the authorization list? Depending on the product type, supply chain level, role within the supply chain, customer requirements, etc., you may need to consider applying for authorization,

REACH’s impact on traders and their responses

The "European Union Regulations on the Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemicals" (REACH) is called "the most complex foreign technical barrier with the widest impact that China has ever encountered". The scope and extent of its impact can be imagined Know. The impact of REACH on different manufacturing industries can be easily found in various media and professional journals, which is very helpful for manufacturing companies. So, does REACH only affect product manufacturers? Does REACH have any direct requirements for dealers who export to the EU? Will it have an impact? What are the impacts? What needs to be done to ensure normal trade? These will be the main focus of this article, and they are also issues that European dealers must pay attention to. 1. Distributors and export trade categories The REACH regulations clearly define "distributors", which refer to natural or legal persons in the EU who only store substances or place substances on the market for third parties, including retailers. Distributors within the scope of this definition obviously refer to companies established in the EU that are engaged in product storage or sales. Domestic distributors do not fall into the category of EU distributors. The dealers considered in this article are enterprises that only engage in import and export trade and do not produce themselves, especially those that export to the EU. If a dealer is producing at the same time, he is actually a "non-EU manufacturer" within the scope of REACH, and the terms of "non-EU manufacturer" apply, which is beyond the scope of this article. Judging from the registered address and scope of operations, distribution

IECQ QC 080000 Standard Interpretation Part 3

7.1 Planning of Hazardous Substance Reduction Process and Product Realization The requirements of ISO9001 should be used together with the following requirements. The organization shall plan and develop processes for the realization of hazardous substances reduction products. In planning the implementation of hazardous substance reduction products, the organization shall determine the following aspects, when appropriate: a) Quality objectives and requirements for hazardous substance reduction products b) Determine the need to establish hazardous substance reduction processes, documents and provide resources for hazardous substance reduction products c ) Verification, validation, monitoring, inspection and testing activities required for hazardous substances reduction products and product acceptance criteria. Where appropriate, information service providers should be included. d) Procedure documents or work instructions for processes using restricted substances to include prevention when contamination exists. e) Evidence is required to prove that the process of achieving hazardous substance reduction and the products obtained meet the requirements. f) The form of hazardous substance reduction planning output should be suitable for the organization's operating methods. Note 1: The document used to determine the hazardous substance reduction process (including product realization process) and resources for a product can be called a quality plan. c. On-site audit; d. Irregular spot inspections (the spot inspection plan is determined based on the frequency determined by risk analysis); e. Management of samples sent by customers. Product realization process refers to all processes used to form a product. In fact, it is the process from customer demand to product mass production. Different from the product design and development process, the product design process is to transform regulatory, technical, safety, functional, market or other requirements that the product needs to meet into the technical specifications of the product.

IECQ Frequently Asked Questions and Answers

1. Some companies believe that as long as a test report shows the content of heavy metals such as lead, cadmium, mercury, and hexafluoride, it can be used to determine the RoHS compliance of materials. For example, some companies use test reports collected on the European EN71-3 toy safety standard to determine RoHS compliance. Is it acceptable? Answer: Unacceptable. The regulations of EN71-3-9 are the "dissolution amount" under a certain environment, while RoHS is the "content" of the material. The sample preparation methods for the two tests are different, and the measured results may be very different. The test data cannot be replaced by each other. . 2. The purchased parts contain a variety of colors, but the test report only shows the harmful substance content of one of the colors. Can such a report be used to determine the RoHS compliance of materials? Answer: No. 3. When there is only one test result for a single homogeneous material in a component, can it be used to determine the RoHS compliance of the entire component? Answer: No. Only one product can be proven to be compliant. 4. As there may be contaminated processes in the production process, switching cleaning methods are usually adopted to prevent cross-contamination, but its effect is difficult to prove. What are some reference suggestions (or experiences)? Answer: The cleaning and confirmation methods will be determined based on the risk of contamination. Evidence of cleaning capabilities can be considered from several aspects: 5. For factories that have completed the switch to RoHS, all products need to meet RoHS requirements. Is labeling a key control item at this time? Answer: 6. How to confirm the materials provided by suppliers?

The European Chemical Agency officially announced 15 substances of high concern NO.39/2008

The European Chemical Agency officially announced 15 substances of high concern NO.39/2008. The Member State Committee of the European Chemical Agency (ECHA) held a meeting in Helsinki, Finland on October 7 and 8, 2008. In accordance with the resolution of the committee, the necessary announcements were made. The 15 authorized substances of very high concern (SVHC) are on the official website. 15 items of SVHC Anthracene (Anthracene) Ditributyltin oxide 4,4-diaminodiphenylmethane Cobalt chloride Dibutyl phthalate (DBP) Arsenic pentoxide Tolylbutyl phthalate (BBP) Arsenic trioxide o Di(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP) Triethyl arsenate 13) The SVHC Candidate List was submitted by seven member states in July 2008 in accordance with the format of Appendix 15 of the REACH Directive. A total of 16 chemical substances were proposed. It was announced and accepted for public consultation from July to August 2008. Based on the opinions of stakeholders and member states, the Member State Committee unanimously confirmed at the meeting that in addition to "triethyl arsenate" which had been approved as a substance of high concern during the announcement and discussion stage, 14 other chemical substances were listed as substances of high concern. Authorized substances of very high concern. and was previously listed

EU REACH: latest newsNO.40/2008

EU REACH: Latest News NO.40/2008 If the finished products of producers or finished product importers in the EU and the European Economic Community contain any substance on the candidate list of substances of very high concern (SVHC) in the REACH directive, the concentration exceeds 0.1% and exceeds One tonne (per year per company of the finished product produced or imported), the producer or importer of the finished product must notify the European Chemical Agency on a mandatory basis. The relevant notification time regulations are as follows: For SVHCs announced before December 1, 2010, the notification time shall not be later than June 1, 2011. For SVHCs that are included on or after December 1, 2010, the notification time shall not be later than six months after the substance is included. Latest announcement REACH FAQ version 2.3 – Announced on 2008/11/06, this version adds six registration-related questions. Please link to Appendix V and Draft Guidelines on Waste – The European Commission has completed and announced Appendix V, Draft Guidelines on Waste and Recycled Materials. Both documents have been handed over to the European Chemical Agency for future cooperation and development with Member States and stakeholders. In addition, the hazardous substances in Appendix 17 of the REACH regulations will also be implemented on 2009/06/01. Substances of Very High Concern (SVHC) Regulations Article 33 of the REACH Regulation

Greenpeace releases the 10th edition of "Guide to Greener Electronics" NO.42/2008

Greenpeace publishes the tenth edition of "Guide to Greener Electronics" NO.42/2008. Since the first edition of the Electronic Enterprise Green Assessment (Guide to Greener Electronics) in August 2006, Greenpeace has updated the assessment every three months. The latest tenth edition was released on November 24, 2008. A total of 18 world-renowned manufacturers were evaluated, with products covering computers, mobile phones, TVs and game consoles. Key points of the evaluation: This evaluation continues the key points of the eighth edition, and evaluates each major manufacturer based on 15 criteria. The content covers: Whether specific hazardous substances are used in products and whether they are included in the SVHC on or after December 1, 2010, and their notifications No later than six months after the substance is included. In the evaluation ranking of improving corporate policies and practices related to climate and energy, Nokia retained the first place with a score of 6.9. Sony Ericsson, Toshiba and Samsung tied for second place, followed closely by Fujitsu Siemens and LGE. Motorola, Microsoft, Dell and Apple do not have any goals or timelines for reducing global warming pollution and carbon dioxide emissions. Only Fujitsu, Philips and Sharp support the goal of reducing 30% greenhouse gas emissions by 2020; HP and Philips have made clearer commitments to reduce 30% greenhouse gas emissions.

U.S. Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act NO.41/2008

US Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act NO.41/2008 US President Bush signed the Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act of 2008 (CPSIA) on August 14, 2008. The regulations authorize and expand the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) greater authority to prevent unsafe products from entering the United States to make up for the shortcomings of current U.S. consumer product safety laws. The key content of the "Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act" prohibits the sale of any product that is targeted at children 12 years old or younger and contains lead that exceeds the regulations. The upper limit of lead content will be implemented in stages. The upper limit of lead content will be 600 ppm from February 10, 2009. In the second stage, the allowable limit will be changed to 300 ppm from August 14, 2009. The allowable limit will be from August 14, 2011, three years later. Change to 100 ppm. The upper limit of lead content in topcoats for furniture, toys and other children's products will be lowered from the current 0.06% to 0.009% by weight starting from August 14, 2009. Permanent bans were issued on bis-2-ethylhexyl phthalate (DEHP), dibutyl phthalate (DBP) and butylbenzyl phthalate (BBP). A transitional period order will be implemented for diisononyl phthalate (DINP), diisodecyl phthalate (DIDP) and di-n-octyl phthalate (DNOP) until chronic danger

IEC 62321 Ed.1 is about to be officially released

IEC 62321 Ed.1 will soon be officially released as the final draft international standard version NO.37/2008 IEC 111/116/FDIS. After two months of voting (from August 1, 2008 to October 3, 2008), it has been The results of the vote were announced on its official website on October 14, 2008. The main purpose of the 111/116/FDIS vote is whether to agree to issue the Final Draft International Standard (FDIS; Final Draft International Standard) as an international standard. The voting results are summarized as follows: P-Members voted in favor of the guidelines: 25 P-Members in favor: 25 = 100 % >= 67% Total votes passed: 29 Total votes against: 0 = 0 % <= 25% Passed Final decision passed except Greece, Four countries, including Israel, Poland and Portugal, abstained and all voted in favor. The voting result was in favor of the final draft version of the international standard becoming an international standard. The international standard IEC62321 Ed.1 will be officially released soon, but its publication date has not yet been determined. SGS will pay close attention to the latest relevant news. If you have any questions, please feel free to write or call our customer service personnel. SGS is a member of the IEC Banned Substance Testing Task Force (IEC/TC 111 WG3). In addition to passing

Announcement on the Development Procedure of China RoHS Management Catalog

China RoHS Management Catalog Development Procedure Announcement NO.38/2008 The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the People's Republic of China announced the "Procedure for the Development of Key Management Catalogs for Pollution Control of Electronic Information Products" with 16 articles in total. The purpose is to objectively, fairly and impartially formulate a key management catalog for the pollution control management of electronic information products, and to prohibit or restrict the use of toxic and harmful substances in electronic information products through catalog management. Article 5 lists the principles that should be followed when determining products to enter the key management catalog: (1) Select products with large output, wide application, and containing toxic and harmful substances that pose a great threat to the environment, cause great damage to the environment, and cause great harm to human health; Materials; (2) Choose products that contain toxic and harmful substances that can be replaced by non-toxic and harmless substances or low-toxic and low-harm substances without technical obstacles and are economically feasible; (3) Choose products that can satisfy the needs of replacing toxic and harmful substances even though it is impossible to achieve them. There are no technical obstacles to the production of products that meet the requirements of the limit standards for toxic and hazardous substances and meet the limit standards, and are economically feasible products. (4) Choose products that are clearly restricted due to serious pollution in international conventions. (5) Select other products that should be included in the key management catalog management. The remaining key points to note in the announcement are: The key management catalog for pollution control of electronic information products consists of the product names of electronic information products, the types of toxic and hazardous substances that are restricted in use and their use periods, and is carried out year by year according to the actual situation and the requirements of the level of scientific and technological development. Adjustments will be made step by step in a batch-by-batch manner. work

EU REACH: Latest Update on SVHC Candidate List No.35/2008

EU REACH: Latest Update on SVHC Candidate List No. 35/2008 Geert Dancet, CEO of the European Chemical Agency (ECHA), presented on the "authorization process" at the Substitution Conference on Hazardous Substances held in Brussels on September 17 It also explains the status of the previously released REACH Substances of Very High Concern (SVHC) list. Mr. Dancet explained that if the progress is as expected, the 16 SVHC lists recently announced will be voted on in October. Four substances in the first batch of lists are relatively controversial. The fourth Member State Committee (MSC) meeting in October will discuss whether to include them in the SVHC list. Hexabromocyclododecane (HBCDD) (main opinion comes from industry) Anthracene (main opinion comes from industry) Cyclododecane (one Member State and industry do not support the nomination of this substance) Xylene Musk (Musk xylene) (Main opinions come from the industry) What are substances of very high concern (SVHC)? According to the EU’s new chemical regulations (REACH), the SVHC list that is included in Appendix Category 2 is carcinogenic, mutagenic and reproductively toxic (Carcinog

The 30th revision of the EU Dangerous Substances Directive NO.36/2008

The 30th revision of the EU Dangerous Substances Directive NO.36/2008 In the Official Journal of the European Union issued on September 15, 2008, the Commission announced the 2008/58/EC directive ruled on August 21, 2008, and on October 5, 2008 Effective date. This is the 30th revision of the Hazardous Substances Directive 67/548/EEC. Each EU member state must convert the directive into domestic law before June 1, 2009. 2008/58/EC Revision Contents Directive 2008/58/EC revise Directive 67/548/EEC on the classification, packaging and labeling of hazardous substances. This is because the classification and labeling information of some new substances or existing substances must be revised. renew. This Appendix I substance list: A total of more than 800 chemical substances (nearly 290 CMR (Carcinogenic, mutagenic or toxic for reproduction) substances that cause cancer, cause gene mutations and affect reproductive ability) are included in the list. 380 new substances have been added to 516 substances. The classification and labeling have been modified and 3 substances have been deleted. Note 6 and related information in Appendix I have been deleted. The main content revision direction: For example, benzene (benzene) has been classified as a mutagenic substance (mutagen). Therefore, all substances containing benzene should be separated and classified. Nickel alloy products cause human allergies mainly due to the amount of nickel released, not the nickel content of the alloy.

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