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氣候變遷導致的極端氣候加劇,危及世界農作的生長。去年中,加拿大的熱浪和乾旱衝擊了豌豆生產;巴西的霜害則重創咖啡豆產區。如此農產減少帶動的價格上漲、糧食安全韌性降低的情形,恐在未來更加顯著。 去年因極端氣候事件而飆升的農產品價格,今年仍將維持高檔,因為不尋常的天候損害農作物,出現持續性的短缺。 金融時報報導,包括巴西咖啡、比利時馬鈴薯,以及加拿大黃豌豆等,去年因為極端氣溫和洪水,導致價格大漲。科學家警告,由於氣候變遷加速,這些異常狀況會變得更頻繁和嚴重。 物流問題和疫情造成消費習慣改變,糖和小麥等去年也漲價。 根據斯德哥爾摩環境研究所(Stockholm Environment Institute)發布的報告,「農業對氣候變遷的曝險最大」,風險同時來自單一的極端氣候事件或長期的氣候模式變化,比機會多出「好幾倍」。 全球各地在2021年中期發生一連串極端氣候事件,造成嚴重農損。例如巴西7月霜害重創咖啡豆產區,使其價格漲到7年來最高,巴西氣候仍不穩定,升高進一步農損的隱憂。 去年底,反聖嬰現象連兩年發生,料將加劇全球降雨和乾旱問題。聯合國糧農組織資深經濟學家Mario Zappacosta說

氣候目標落後 德國拋七項優先措施 抑制電價也入列

德國副總理暨聯邦經濟事務與氣候行動部長哈貝克(Robert Habeck)表示,德國沒能實現2021年的氣候目標,今明兩年很可能也無法達標。他說德國「必須將減排速度提高兩倍」,才能實現2030年的目標。 副總理坦言:德國將連三年無法達成氣候目標 去(2021)年對於德國的氣候進展來說,是相當不利的一年。由於風速異常減弱,再生能源發電量跌至兩年新低;且碳排量雖曾因COVID-19短暫下降,隨後又再次止跌回升。種種原因導致德國未能實現2021年的氣候目標。 「我們接掌政府後,面對非常多亟待解決的問題,」哈貝克11日在柏林報告該國2021年氣候進度時坦言。他解釋,如果照目前步調,到2030年德國的碳排量將僅減少50%,「也就是比德國的目標值多排放2億噸二氧化碳」。 「目前為止,所有部門採取的氣候保護措施都不夠充分⋯⋯可能無法實現2022年和2023年的氣候目標。」 根據去年12月公布的官方數據,與1990年相比,德國的碳排量減少了40%。哈貝克說,德國還得再削減25%才能實現2030年的目標。 「要做到這一點,我們需要將減排速度加快兩倍,並在更短的時間內做得更多。」哈貝克説。 德國今年擬採取

上市櫃碳盤查時程出爐 金管會力推ESG評鑑制度

金管會近日表示,為因應氣候衝擊及歐盟「碳邊境調整機制」等政策,將於近期發佈「上市櫃公司永續發展路徑圖」,採分階段推動,規劃於第一波優先適用對象為鋼鐵及水泥業, 2023 年需揭露溫室氣體排放量。而2027 年全體上市櫃公司完成溫室氣體盤查,2029 年全體上市櫃公司完成溫室氣體盤查的查證。期透過上市櫃公司串聯供應鏈,以達成企業永續發展。 金管會於2022年1月13日表示,將於近期發布「上市櫃公司永續發展路徑圖」,訂定上市櫃公司溫室氣體盤查資訊揭露時程,鋼鐵及水泥優先於 2023 年開始揭露,落實董事會永續發展責任,並且推動上市櫃公司 ESG 評鑑制度,期透過上市櫃公司串聯供應鏈,以達成企業永續發展。 證期局局長張振山表示,為因應氣候變遷衝擊,國際上已積極推動相關政策,如歐盟於 2021 年 7 月提出「碳邊境調整機制」,規劃對高碳排產品出口至歐盟須課碳關稅,另為加速減碳並強化氣候變遷調適工作,環保署已預告修正「溫室氣體減量及管理法」為「氣候變遷因應法」。為協助企業及早因應訂定其減碳目標,溫室氣體盤查成為企業首要工作,金管會因此規畫分階段推動上市櫃公司應進行溫室氣體盤查的資訊揭露時程。

專吃垃圾 川廢清除機百家爭鳴 環境倡議者籲塑膠源頭減量

為了防止塑膠垃圾污染海洋,水上塑膠垃圾清除設備正處於百家爭鳴的狀態,例如荷蘭企業開發的河流垃圾清除系統「大氣泡屏障」(Great Bubble Barrier),用一堵垂直於河水流向的氣泡牆,將塑膠垃圾推往收集器,同時讓魚類和其他野生動物安然無恙地通過。 從河流垃圾攔截起 防止傳播、污染海洋 「大氣泡屏障」的開發計畫由歐盟Maelstrom(海洋垃圾永續清除和管理)計畫支持,目前已在阿姆斯特丹作業中,也正在葡萄牙波多的杜羅河試用。 計畫團隊正陸續開發一系列的技術,好在河川中攔截垃圾,避免流入海洋。 造成塑膠垃圾漂流入海的原因,包含海嘯等自然災害,但災害畢竟不會天天發生,河流才是以更加固定頻率造成塑膠流向海洋的原因。2017年的研究發現,全球90%海洋塑膠垃圾來自10條河流系統,分別是來自非洲的尼羅河和尼日河,以及八條分布於亞洲的恒河、印度河、黃河、長江、海河、珠江、湄公河和黑龍江。 「有些社區沒有適當的垃圾收集服務,只能直接將垃圾倒在河中讓它漂走。」加州大學聖塔芭芭拉分校貝尼奧夫海洋計畫(Benioff Ocean Initiative)的科學家、該校全球乾淨洋流聯盟負責人莫爾斯(Mo

海藻包裝可食用 不佔土地更環保

可食用塑料的原料再添海藻一名生力軍!過去就出現以農產品為原料的可食用塑料,而英國公司Notpla將以海藻為原料製作出薄膜包裝,取代一次性塑料。該公司設計總監辛巴拉表示,海藻不僅生長迅速、還不與農作物爭地,更能從空氣中吸收二氧化碳。近日該公司已獲得1千萬英鎊的融資,將再度擴大生產線,也預計拓展業務至歐洲各地。 可以吃的塑料種類多 《富比士雜誌》報導,可以食用的塑料製品已經不是新聞,EnviGreen創辦人艾許瓦就曾以香蕉、植物油與馬鈴薯等12種原料開發出可以食用的塑料,將塑料袋直接丟入煮沸的水中,則只需要15秒就能直接分解,分解後的液體並可供食用。 他自信表示,「這種塑料袋,完全可以食用,甚至連上面的彩色噴墨塗料也是可以吃的,也不用擔心動物誤食的問題。」但在世界缺糧危機下,以農作物作為替代性塑料的原料,並未受到肯定。 海藻原料很環保 隨著塑料汙染愈來愈嚴重,聯合國統計顯示,全球每年都產生3億噸的塑料垃圾,且有60%的塑料都還潛藏在土壤或大海中。《CNN》報導,而Notpla一改以農產品製作塑料替代品的方式,選擇以海藻作為原料,製造可用於食物包裝、外帶盒塗層等的透明薄膜。 Notpla設計

避免關門大吉 全球最大煤炭出口港宣布100%改用綠電

英國《衛報》報導,全世界最大的煤炭出口港——澳洲紐卡索港(Port of Newcastle)宣布,即日(7日)起將100%使用再生能源供電。與此同時,澳洲全國電力市場的煤炭發電量,降至2021年最後一季的最低水準。 紐卡索港計劃2030年 煤炭收益占比降至50% 雖然煤炭出口量至今仍高達每年平均1.65億噸,紐卡索港已經訂定2040年的脫碳計畫,並預計提升煤炭以外的業務收入,使煤炭在2030年的總收益占比下降至50%。這次宣布的措施正是這些轉型計畫的一部分。 該港已與經營新南威爾斯州Bodangora風電場的營運商Iberdrola,簽署一項大規模零售購電協議。 紐卡索港執行長卡莫迪(Craig Carmody)表示,世界最大煤炭出口港的稱號已經「不像過去那麼好聽」,為了停損和避免關門大吉,紐卡索港必須改變。 「我寧可現在就做,趁我們還可以掌控自己命運、趁我們還有營收的時候,而不是等到營收崩盤,沒人願意借錢給我們時才來做。」卡莫迪說,「我們的港口若運送煤炭,每噸賺84美分,但是運送其他各種產品每噸能賺6到8美元。該把錢花在哪裡很明顯。」 為了轉型,紐卡索港已將97%的車輛換成電動車,

廢棄偏光片變資源 宏源促進循環經濟

科技日益進步,許多電子產品需使用到液晶顯示器,導致國內生產偏光片數量也逐年上升,使廢偏光片、裁切邊料、不良產品及回收料等去化問題快速浮現。 宏源實業有鑑於此,利用水離子結合電磁波感應熱處理來轉化廢棄偏光片,進而回收為可利用資源,並對固相殘餘物(殘炭)作再利用評估,衍生燃料、染料吸附劑,於日前國際半導體展當中展出此專利技術,讓更多企業走向節能減碳綠能新技術。 宏源實業總經理蕭睿昶指出,台灣目前處理方式主要以焚化為主,因偏光片中含有碘離子於燃燒時會產生紫煙,會受到民眾抗議,最後焚化廠也全面拒收廢偏光片。經實驗結果得知,水離子反應設備處理後,範例A廠:偏光片固相殘餘物,可作為衍生燃料,熱值高於無煙煤(7,000Kcal/Kg);範例B廠:殘炭可作為染料吸附劑。 據了解,台灣生產的偏光片占全球市場15%以上,但偏光片的廢料非常蓬鬆,需要極大空間堆放,在場地有限的情況下,蓬鬆的廢料不僅佔據空間,更造成無法換成產值的浪費。為解決偏光板廠的窘境,經濟部技術處也開發廢棄偏光板高效循環資源化技術,幫助企業在成本考量下可達到循環經濟的效益。 蕭睿昶表示,公司11月已取得美國發明專利,預計明(2022)年3

全球鋼鐵業首家 中鋼循環經濟告捷 獲美UL驗證

中鋼為配合客戶需求,積極提供具公信力的再生材料產品,並於2021年將生產的鍍鋅鋼品SGCC RC12提高廢鋼使用比例至12%,更通過美國UL 2809驗證,成為全球鋼鐵業首家通過UL再生材料含量驗證的企業,樹立循環經濟新典範。 中鋼強調,為因應未來國際淨零碳排趨勢,該公司將積極研發調高再生材料含量的生產技術,朝低碳生產及循環經濟的永續發展之路持續前進。 中鋼表示,UL 2809為美國知名驗證機構UL(Underwriter Laboratories)所制訂的環境聲明驗證,申請者須通過UL嚴格的生產流程及再生材料管控審查,方能獲得證書。全球領先的個人電腦、印表機及3D列印解決方案供應商惠普(HP),不僅2020年獲得UL頒發全球首項海洋回收塑料含量驗證,也逐步對供應商提倡環境永續政策,惠普組裝廠也向中鋼提出鍍鋅鋼品SGCC再生材料比例須達8%以上,且必須取得UL 2809再生材料含量驗證。 中鋼指出,該公司以「高值化精緻鋼廠」作為未來50年的經營策略主軸之一,為推動ESG發展工作及因應碳中和挑戰,2021年積極展開UL 2809驗證申請,組成專案小組完成製程能力、控管再生材料比例及客戶需

Circular economy coaching case sharing - using waste mushroom buns to develop innovative business models

1. Introduction Circular Economy is an economic and industrial system in which resources are recoverable and renewable. Compared with Linear Economy, raw materials are mined from the natural environment, processed into goods, and the goods are purchased and used. The concept of "end of life" is different for products that are simply discarded later. The circular economy is based on the continuous recycling and utilization of materials, forming a recycling model of "resources, products, and renewable resources" and creating economic performance, fundamentally solving the contradiction between economic development and environmental impact. Under the consideration of the operation of market economy, how to follow the principles of resource reuse, reduce waste, reduce waste, etc., and at the same time, through the redesign of products, non-waste of manufacturing processes, optimization of logistics procedures, encouragement of recycling, etc., how to make every resource By-products or damaged goods can enter a new cycle and become new raw materials or materials. At this time, an innovative and successful "circular economy business model" is needed to guide and help enterprises and resources to coexist and realize co-creation of industries. A beautiful vision that takes into account both sustainable management and environmental protection. 2. Business Model and Technical Description I would like to share with readers a case study on how to establish a successful and innovative resource recycling business model, connect inputs from different industries, and turn waste mushroom bags that were regarded as "agricultural waste" in the past into useful "bio-products". quality energy". In the early days of its establishment, in order to successfully promote the business model of providing biomass energy, the company has invested heavily in purchasing equipment and recruiting outstanding R&D talents, and is committed to developing and manufacturing solid biomass fuels.

Study: Melting sea ice promotes inbreeding of polar bears. Genetic diversity in Norwegian islands has decreased in 20 years 10%

According to a study published in the Journal of the Royal Society on the 8th, between 1995 and 2015, the genetic diversity of polar bears on the Svalbard Islands in Norway decreased by 10% due to inbreeding. Scientists at the Norwegian Polar Institute studied 20 years of ecological and engineering data to investigate genetic trends in polar bear populations on the archipelago. The study noted that the loss of genetic diversity is linked to the rapid loss of sea ice in the Arctic Barents Sea. According to the study, the reason for the decrease in gene flow is that shrinking sea ice coverage has led to habitat fragmentation and "increased inbreeding of polar bears in key sampling areas." The World Wildlife Fund (WWF) says the Barents Sea is losing ice the fastest in the Arctic, driven by the climate crisis. "When the population shrinks to a certain extent, you will find that the chances of closely related individuals mating and producing offspring increase. The attendant risk is that some recessive characteristics will begin to appear in the population." The author of the study, Norwegian Bioeconomic Research Simo Maduna, a scholar at the Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research, said. Top predators rely on ice to travel, hunt, rest and reproduce. They mostly wander on sea ice and rarely come ashore. Climate crisis is changing polar bears' diets, and human-bear conflicts could increase Another study in April also found that the climate crisis is changing polar bears' diets

Vietnam, the fourth largest country in marine plastic waste, plans to reduce plastics in supermarkets by 2025 and switch to environmentally friendly packaging materials.

Vietnam, the fourth largest country in marine plastic waste in the world, proposed a plastic reduction plan in the fishery sector in February this year after conducting a survey and source analysis of marine waste. Later, it expanded the scope of plastic reduction to include the general public - Deputy Prime Minister of Vietnam Le Van Thanh ( Le Van Thanh announced in July that it would target 2025 to switch all stores and supermarkets to 100% environmentally friendly packaging materials. Approximately 6% of marine plastic waste in the world comes from the Vietnamese Prime Minister’s commitment to reach the plastic reduction target by 2030. The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) released an assessment report in July 2020, stating that Vietnam produces approximately 280,000 to 730,000 tons of marine plastic waste every year, accounting for approximately Global 6% ranks fourth among the countries that produce the most marine plastic waste in the world. In order to solve the serious plastic waste problem, the Vietnamese Congress completed the amendment to the "Environmental Protection Law" in December 2020, clearly regulating the management of solid waste (especially plastic waste). The Prime Minister of Vietnam also issued an order, promising to achieve three major plastic reduction goals by 2030: Reduce 75% marine plastic waste, completely ban single-use plastic products and non-biodegradable plastic bags in coastal scenic areas, and ensure that marine protected areas are not polluted by plastic waste. Waste problem: The large fishery sector has formulated a "Plastic Reduction Action Plan". Vietnam, which has never carried out quantitative surveys of marine waste in coastal areas in the past, has conducted research on IUCN Vietnam, GreenHub and the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) Vietnam Chapter since 2019. With the assistance of 33 beaches within the scope of 11 marine reserves, the

Paint is an overlooked source of marine plastic pollution, with 0.01 pieces per cubic meter in the North Atlantic

Scientists warn that paint may be one of the most common microplastics in the ocean, but the threat to marine life is being ignored. Toxic paint chips could harm large numbers of marine life in fragile ecosystems, a study shows. Survey finds: Paint chips are second only to microplastic fibers in the sea, according to new research published in the journal Science of the Total Environment by the University of Plymouth and the Marine Biological Association. , researchers conducted surveys in the North Atlantic and found that every cubic meter of seawater contained an average of 0.01 paint chips. They found that this material is second only to microplastic fibers in abundance in the sea. Each cubic meter of seawater contains about 0.16 pieces of microplastic fibers. Chemical analysis of the paint samples found significant amounts of copper, lead and iron, which may pose additional threats to the many species in the ocean and sea that feed on such debris. Ships and oil rigs are coated with paint to protect them from corrosion, but these coatings can peel off and kill marine life. A 2015 study estimated that there were 15 to 51 trillion microplastic particles in the ocean, a number that has continued to rise since then. According to the World Conservation Union (WWF), at least 8 million tons of plastic end up in the ocean every year. Large pieces of plastic can suffocate and stagnate wildlife

Turn decayed wood into magical waste wood and turn it into a beautiful charcoal potted plant, which can also purify the air.

Scrap wood can also be turned into stunning charcoal flower pots. After a year of research and development, the domestic industry player Muxue Master developed a flower pot with charcoal medium and processed waste wood into beautiful flower pots. The research team of the Forestry Research Institute of the Council of Agriculture further pointed out that in the future, the fallen wood after typhoons can be processed into charcoal potted plants, which can also purify indoor air and turn decay into magic. The woodworking experts use waste wood to develop "charcoal and potted plants", each texture is unique. Wind-downed wood caused by typhoons, or dead branches from pruned street trees, often become waste, increasing the burden on incinerators. There was a drought at the beginning of this year, and a mountain of waste wood piled up in a scrap yard in Tainan, accidentally causing a fire that lasted for several days before it was extinguished. In the past, most of this waste wood could only be planed into sawdust, crushed and processed for use. Nowadays, this waste wood has a new purpose. value. The Forestry Laboratory of the Council of Agriculture cooperated with domestic industries, and the manufacturer "Wooden Master" processed and burned large-scale wood into charcoal, and further designed "charcoal and potted plants". The Forestry Laboratory has further demonstrated that charcoal potted plants can help improve indoor air quality. Lin Zhenrong, leader of the forest utilization group of the Forestry Research Institute, said that large-scale charcoal has health benefits such as humidity control, moisture prevention, deodorization and purification, and the production of negative ions. When charcoal is carbonized at high temperatures, it will transform from a hydrophobic surface to a hydrophilic surface. Different from ordinary barbecue charcoal, which is fired at about 200°C to 400°C, charcoal and potted charcoal must be carbonized at 800°C, "which will increase the hardness and durability of the finished charcoal." Forest Utilization Group Associate researcher Tu Sanxian further explained that the process of charcoal activation can also make charcoal produce

The largest carbon absorption plant on the surface that permanently stores carbon dioxide opens in Iceland

The world's first and largest carbon capture and conversion plant "Orca" was opened in Iceland on the 8th. The plant, built by Swiss start-up Climeworks AG, aims to reduce the impact of greenhouse gases on the planet and is a milestone in the direct carbon capture industry. Permanent storage Orca plant will capture 4,000 tonnes of CO2 per year Climeworks has built 16 installations across Europe, but Orca is the only one that permanently captures and stores CO2 rather than recycling it. According to Climeworks, the plant has the capacity to capture 4,000 tons of carbon dioxide per year, which will be stored safely and permanently using a chemical process developed by Icelandic academic and industrial partner Carbfix. In this process, carbon dioxide captured from the atmosphere is mixed with water and pumped deep underground, where it undergoes a natural mineralization process in less than two years before turning into stone. While the Orca plant can only capture a fraction of the world's estimated 35 billion tons of carbon dioxide emissions per year, Climeworks believes there is an opportunity to expand carbon removal capacity to one million tons within a decade. Orca passed verification by the independent third party DNV in mid-June 2021 and is the first verified direct atmospheric carbon capture and storage service. A recent report from the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) warned that the world may experience more frequent extreme weather events in the coming years due to global warming, which experts believe will significantly reduce greenhouse gas levels.

The World Conservation Congress resolved that 30% the Earth’s surface and 80% the Amazon should be protected

The world conservation congress (world conservation congress) hosted by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN), the most influential organization in the world, passed a resolution in Marseille on the 10th, calling for the 80% Amazon region and 30% The Earth's surface, including land and sea, is designated as a "protected area" to halt and reverse the loss of wild species. IUCN does not formulate global policies, but its recommendations have been the basis for United Nations treaties and conventions. They will help set the agenda for the upcoming UN Summit on Food Systems, Biodiversity and Climate Change. Save the Amazon COICA, a coalition of organizations representing more than 2 million indigenous people in South American countries, proposed a temporary motion at the conference calling for 4/5 of the Amazon basin to be designated as a protected area by 2025, and received overwhelming support. "Indigenous people are here to defend our homeland and at the same time defend the planet. This initiative is the first step." Jose Gregorio Diaz Mirabal, general coordinator of COICA and leader of the Curripaco people in Venezuela explain. Over the past 20 years, the Amazon has lost about 10,000 square kilometers each year to deforestation, much of it through deliberate fires to clear land for commercial agriculture or grazing. Scientists warn that such damage coupled with gas

Indonesia updates climate goals, confident of reaching net-zero carbon emissions by 2060 or earlier

On July 21 this year, Indonesia, the world's eighth largest emitter of greenhouse gases, submitted an updated version of its national climate commitment to the United Nations, announcing that it would achieve the goal of net-zero carbon emissions by 2060 (or earlier). However, NGOs also pointed out that Indonesia’s emission reduction commitment is to maintain the same target as in 2016. It is not ambitious enough and will not be able to achieve the Paris Agreement. Submitting its first long-term strategy to reach net-zero carbon emissions by 2060, NGO praised Indonesia for taking the right direction. Although the report submitted by Indonesia added new adaptation and resilience improvement goals, and also proposed new goals for specific sectors, the most critical emission reduction goal remained the same as in 2016. Commitment: Before 2030, greenhouse gas emissions under the unconditional scenario will be reduced by 29% compared with the business-as-usual scenario; or with sufficient international financial support, the emission reduction target will be achieved by 41%. In addition to updating its climate commitments, Indonesia has also submitted the country's first Long-Term Strategy for Low Carbon and Climate Resilience, announcing that it will peak emissions in 2030 and will reach a peak in 2060 or earlier. , to achieve the goal of net-zero greenhouse gas emissions. In fact, until March this year, Indonesian government officials still stated that net-zero carbon emissions would be achieved by 2070. This time, the officially submitted goal is at least ten years ahead of schedule. Indonesian Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs and Investment Affairs Luhut Pandjaitan said at the end of July that he was optimistic that Indonesia would have the means to do so in May.

The hidden cost of plastic adds 1.8 billion tons of greenhouse gases every year, exceeding the annual carbon emissions of aviation and shipping combined.

Plastic pollution continues to pose a threat to society. After you drink your coffee, what happens to your plastic coffee cup? How much does it cost? How does it affect the environment – land, sea and biodiversity? Humans produce more than 200 million tons of plastic waste every year, equivalent to 523 trillion straws. A new report commissioned by Dahlberg Consultants from the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) shows that the plastic produced in 2019 alone The lifetime social, environmental and economic costs alone amount to $3.7 trillion, exceeding the GDP of India. Unless we take action, the real social cost of producing plastic in 2040 will be double what it was in 2019. At this moment, humans produce more than 200 million tons of plastic waste every year, equivalent to about 523 trillion plastic straws. If all these straws were connected, they could circle the earth about 2.8 million times. Nearly half of the waste is not properly managed, but is burned open, dumped directly or leaked into the environment. More than 11 million tons of plastic enter the ocean every year. The report titled "Plastics: Social, Environmental and Economic Costs" shows that throughout the life cycle of plastics, 1.8 billion tons of greenhouse gases are produced every year, which is more than the annual emissions of aviation and shipping combined. These greenhouse gas emissions are exacerbating the negative effects of climate change, such as shrinking glaciers, floods and more severe droughts, leading to crop death and incurring huge costs for governments and society. Poorly managed plastic waste could threaten the ocean’s ability to act as a carbon sink, further exacerbating the climate crisis

Talking about climate finance and preparing silver bullets to meet the energy transition, 40 countries announced to phase out coal-fired power plants

"The Glasgow Financial Alliance for Net Zero (GFANZ)" Mark Carney, the United Nations special envoy for climate finance and former governor of the Bank of England, announced that there are currently more than 450 financial institutions in the world with total assets of US$130 trillion. The institution participates in the Glasgow Financial Alliance for Net Zero (GFANZ), promising that all its assets will achieve net-zero emissions by 2050, and also announced that it will mobilize hundreds of millions of dollars to help the global economy move towards this goal. Clean energy transition. The Alliance’s net zero commitment means that climate change will be a key consideration in major financial decisions over the next decade. However, some experts point out that if these financial institutions continue to invest in fossil fuels in the next decade, they may undermine the importance of the above-mentioned net zero commitments. US$10.5 billion energy transition fund. Several public welfare foundations and international development banks announced today (3rd) the establishment of a US$10.5 billion fund to help emerging economies transition to renewable energy. It has raised US$1.5 billion from the Rockefeller Foundation, the IKEA Foundation and the Bezos Earth Fund, as well as US$9 billion from international development banks such as the African Development Bank and the International Finance Corporation (IFC). On the other hand, human beings and the earth as a whole

Coal power gradually disappears after Paris Agreement, China promises to stop building new overseas coal-fired power plants

Environmental think tank E3G released a report this month stating that after the signing of the Paris Agreement in 2015, the number of new coal-fired power plants around the world dropped sharply, and 44 countries agreed to terminate new construction plans, ushering in a glimmer of hope for the end of highly polluting coal burning. One week after the report was released, yesterday (21st) at the 76th United Nations General Assembly, Chinese President Xi Jinping announced that China "will stop building new coal-fired power plants overseas" - China alone holds the largest number of coal-fired power plants under construction around the world. capacity of the 53%. Research: Global plans for new coal-fired power plants have plummeted and more than half are owned by China. According to the Guardian, a report released by E3G pointed out that after the signing of the Paris Agreement in 2015, the capacity of new coal-fired power plants planned to be built around the world dropped significantly by 76%. 44 of these countries will no longer build new coal-fired power plants. Dave Jones, who works for the climate think tank "Ember", said, "It was only five years ago that many new coal-fired power plants were being planned and built. Now most of them have either officially announced the suspension of the plans, or the plans have been suspended, and the plans are not very serious. It may restart again." Chris Littlecott, deputy director of E3G, said that the coal economy "has become increasingly uncompetitive compared with renewable energy, and the risk of becoming a stranded asset has become higher." The report pointed out that the world's more than Half of the coal-fired power plant projects are owned by China. Therefore, if China and six countries including India, Vietnam, Indonesia, Turkey and Bangladesh can terminate related projects, the number of coal-fired power plants planned to be built around the world will be reduced by approximately 90%. High carbon

ASUS announces joining RE100 and promises to use renewable energy in global base 100% in 2035

Taiwanese technology brand ASUS announced yesterday (4th) that it has joined the global RE100 initiative and committed to operating 100% in Taiwan using renewable energy in 2030, and its global operating bases will follow suit in 2035. In addition, ASUS also reiterated its goal of reducing carbon emissions by 50% in 2030 compared with 2013. ASUS, one of the five major laptop brands, has joined RE100 to fully switch to green electricity by 2035. The global climate crisis is severe. "Carbon neutrality" has become a keyword for sustainable development of enterprises. Energy conservation and the use of green energy are the two major means for enterprises to reduce carbon emissions. ASUS announced in April this year that it would target the use of renewable energy in 100% operations in Taiwan in 2030. Yesterday, it announced that it would join the global RE100 initiative and promised to use renewable energy in global operations of 100% in 2035. RE100 is an international initiative launched by the Climate Group and the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) in 2014. It invites large global companies to commit to using 100% through investment, construction, purchase of green power or green power certificates. Renewable energy, the world's five major laptop brands (Lenovo, HP, Dell, Apple and Acer) have all joined the ranks of RE100. ASUS is the 12th company in Taiwan to join RE100. ASUS Chairman Shi Chongtang pointed out that extreme climate not only affects the human living environment, but also tests the resilience of corporate operations. "These challenges also bring opportunities for innovation, which can be converted into strategies to enhance corporate competitiveness." ASUS will implement independent energy-saving plans to reveal Purchase green electricity and renewable energy by signing

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